On the ground

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River POV:

"Please don't screw this up!" I beg Jordan. I just know he is. Why didn't I choose someone else for this?! Oh right. I have no guy friends. Besides Micheal. But he's scared and busy. So here we go. I am going to die. Woohoo! Note the complete and utter sarcasm.

"Don't worry! I got this." He smirks into the air while I give him a disapproving look. Nope. Nuh uh. I am going to be humiliated.

"Just please make everything run smoothly! Please!" I know he won't. I just know it!

"I know how to handle myself. I can do it. So stop worrying Panda, and just breathe."

Somehow his words calm me down. Or it's just my brain shutting down from nervousness.

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Once we enter my house he pulls off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack. Like a gentlemen. I had to train him to act like that.

We sit down at the dining table and the conversations are already blasting in my ears from all sides.

"So are you two really dating?" My annoying cousin, Tasha, aka the girl who crushes on every single guy I bring to one of these ever, asks wiggling her eyebrows.

Oh my- I already hate this. And I can blatantly tell on his face, that Jordan is uncomfortable. But when is 'meet-the-family' ever comfortable?

"Y-yeah." He stutters. Oh no. MY CRAZY COUSIN!!!! Not again. . . Hopefully this isn't a repeat of last year.

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't think that River could ever score a guy like you." She winks and I gag a little. I might be puking out my guts and ripping my ears off by the end of this.

"Yes. Of course she's my girlfriend." He seems more confident now. Good fish! I didn't tell him this part though. Hope he's good at dealing with Cheryl clones.

My knuckles are going white from griping the chair too hard as I await Tasha's next sentence. It's going to be those words again. . .

"Prove it." She smirks. It's incredible how much annoyingness can be packaged into one single person.

Jordan's face and my face are lacking color. Oh no. This sentence. I HATE YOU TASHA!! I freaking hate her. Why again? Why not ruin someone else's life?!

While I'm busy worrying about life (and quite happily might I add) Jordan turns to me with a worried expression on his face and sloppily cups my face within his hands. And what he freaking does next. . . HE KISSES ME!!!!!!


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