No I can't let go

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Jordan POV:

"So why did you call me to pick you up?"

"Because, it turns out Evan didn't actually do it for the sake of me. He did it because of some other twisted reason and such." River sighs.

"What reason?"

"I don't know why he did it! But Cheryl was by his side, so I assume that it had something to do with that."

"I hate Cheryl. Also, she's still going for me. Do you think that she's cheating?"

"I don't even know if they're dating."

"If Evan turned you down for Cheryl, he missed out on the biggest opportunity of his life."

Then I almost silently whisper a tiny little sentence that I hope she doesn't hear. "Trust me, I should know."

A super short update

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A super short update. :(

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