Chapter 3

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Crystal POV

Me and Leon started walking again more inside the tunnel. I then saw a strange blue light. I raise my gun for anything that could pop out. We walk and saw a man that that look to be in his 30's or 40's.

"Got something you might like" the man said.

"Crystal don't shoot he's the merchant that sells guns he's not like the villagers" Leon said.

"Have you meet already" I said.

"Well yeah. When I woke up I found him in back of the house that I was tie up" he said and went to the merchant to I think upload his gun.

"Crystal please give me your gun so I could upload it to" Leon said and I hand him my gun. We took a little of time to get prepare to leave. We went to a metal door and open it then getting up a latter. Now we are in a cemetery. Damn it!

'This place is creepy' I thought. I then feel chills down my spine.

"Your scared" Leon said and he was smirking.

"No am not it's just creepy" I said. He was chuckling and got my shoulder and brought me to his chest.

"Don't worry am here and I will not let no one get my sexy lady" he said.

"Shut it Romeo your not getting to me that easy. Let's keep going... idiot" I whispered the last part for him to not heard.

Not wanting to keep this conversation going I start walking inside of the cemetery. Then a ax was throw at me but I dodge it before it could hit me. I raise my gun and shot a women villager. Leon killed two villagers with a rifle. We got to the church and Leon told me to stay on the front door. Then there was a call from his radio. While Leon is talking to Hunnigan, I really didn't care what he told me so I went to look around the back of the church. 

"Wow this church sure is big" I said.

I then saw two villagers. One had a dynamite in one hand. I shoot the one that had the dynamite making both die by the explosion. Now am solving a damn puzzle. I got it and got the diamond that was inside. I turn around and found Leon looking at me angrily.

"What" I said.

"I told you to stay over there and what was the explosion" Leon said.

"Come on Leon I could take care of myself" I said and I start walking back to the enters of the church. 

"So the church door is lock we have to find a way in, right" I said.

"Yes come on let's go" Leon said and start walking. I follow behind.

We keep walking and killing villagers.

'Damn this is boring' I thought.

We got to a wood door and open it. I got some ammo that was in the side. We walk for a little bit but then there were villagers and they throw  another big rock at us. This time I run more faster than the other time. I then jump to the side and Leon did the same.

"Wow you got faster this time" he said.

"Well Leon you learned from your mistakes. Last time I did't run so fast and almost got caught but now I was faster than the rock" I said.

We walk a little more and found some villagers I shot some and Leon shot the rest. Then there were some villagers coming in back of us.

'Were the fuck do they come from' I thought.

I use a grenade and trow it at them. Leon and I move back so we don't get caught on the explosion. We got up and start walking but then I feel a sharp pain on my right leg. I see that it was an ax. I dropped to the floor. Leon shot it and came running to me.

"Crystal are you okay" he said.

"Well Leon I have a ax on my right leg and it hurts as hell. I think am okay idiot" I said with with anger in my voice.

"Okay this will hurt" he said and got the ax and pull it out. 

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" I scream in pain.

"OMG, this hurts so much" I said.

Leon then got the green plant and he start sprayed some on my leg.

"Thanks Leon" I said. Leon got up but he pick me up with him. It was embarrassing but I did complain.

We got to a dock and saw the large lake. There were two villagers and they drop something inside the lake. Then there a monster Salamander that came out and ate the thing that the villagers drop.

"Shit" I said.

"Well this is the only way to cross. So are you coming" Leon said.

"I don't have a choose" I said and he got on the boat and put me down so I will be steering the boat. I start steering it and Leon keep a look out. Then we went fly in the air. Thank god I land in the boat but Leon was on the water swimming to the boat as fast as he could. 

"Leon!!" I scream and help him up. Leon keep shooting the monster until it was dead

( I'm skipping the fight because am lazy) 

I then saw that the rope that was on the monster was tie up on Leon's foot so it was going to drag him away. Leon got the side of the boat  but if I don't do something it's going to take him away. So I got my knife and start cutting the rope. Leon was free and resting his head in my laps. I really did't mind in the moment. We got to the other side of the lake and we got out but Leon he start coughing "BLOOD".

"Leon! Damn it! Leon stay with me" I said but he lost consciousness.

"Damn it Leon" I said and try carrying him to the little cabin that was there. When we got inside I put Leon on the bed.  I sat down on a chair.

"Damn it Leon what's wrong" I said and look down to see my foot bleeding. I start treating it. I lost so much blood so I lost consciousness.

*UNDER EDITING* A Spy In Love ( Leon Kennedy x OC Reader)Where stories live. Discover now