Chapter 13

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Crystal POV

We are now getting out of here.

"Crystal here" I heard Leon said and I turn around to see that he had pick up my gun.

"Oh thanks Leon" I said and got my gun.

I then saw a airplane paper come through the window.

I pick it up and saw that it had lipstick kiss. I open the paper and saw some writing on it.

Maybe you have already thought of it, but you could leave here by the garbage disposal.

It said.

"Crystal what did you found" Leon ask.

"This" I said and give him the paper.

He read it and just nod.

I went ahead and open the door to go outside. Just around the corner there were three ganados. I got my gun and shot them each three times.

"Crystal are you going to start going ahead again" Leon said.

"Come on Leon I will not always be by your side so why not just clear the path for us already" i said.

"I don't care I just don't want you to get hurt Crystal" he said.

"Leon I'm the best spy in my workplace Okay. I'm not that weak" I said and just went ahead ignoring his calls.

I went inside the next room and saw a bunch of ganados. I saw one that was about to press the button to close the door. I run to the door before it close.

I made it and turn to keep going but there was a ganado with a crossbow and two with some kind of electric stick.

"Damn it" I said and got my gun and start shooting them down. I shot the two ganados that had the electric thing.

I turn to look at the crossbow ganado but he shot me. I move quick but arrow grazed my shoulder. I shot him down.

I then start going ignoring my cut that I got. It was not bleeding bad so it was okay.

I keep going until I reach the garbage disposal. I look down to see nothing but dark.

"God damn it this place smells worst that my friends room" I said but didn't want to keep thinking and jump down.

I land on my back.

"Ah that hurts" I said to myself.

I stand up and start going ahead. I had to pass through a metal bin. I couldn't move it so I had to climb it. It was hard but I made it. I then saw some kind of monster coming my way.

I look at it and start going back away. My back hit the wall so I had to shot the monster down.

I shot him several time but nothing. Then I saw some kind of parasite hanging from the monster.

I shot four of them but nothing. I then saw one on his back.

The monster try and hit me but I roll again from him so I was facing his back now.

"Bye bye" I said and shot the last parasite and he drop dead.

I stand up and keep going.

I found another metal bin and again had to climb the metal bin to go.

In the other side there was a room with a wrecking ball on it. I didn't jump down because there was a bunch of ganados down there.

I use a grenade that I found on my way here to destroy them.

It kill all the ganados for me so I didn't had to worry about them.

I then jump down and went to the control room so the wrecking ball could open my way out of here.

I open the door that the wrecking ball open and went in. In the other side there was a metal door and then the lever went up so the door open.

There stood the same monster that attacked me. I then start shooting his parasites. But it drop dead when I just shot the front ones. I then saw that this one didn't had one in the back.

I went ahead but found the another metal door close so I had to look around another room to find some way to open it. I did found it. It was red bottom. I press it and went out.

The door did open but not all the way but I could still crawl under it. then the door close shut didn't knew why but I did care.

I then went straight but stop because to open the next door I had to operate the two locks but I couldn't do it by myself so now I had to wait for Leon to come and help me.

"Wow I got this far so a stupid door could stop me. Well Leon will see all I have does without his help and look at me like a stronger person that he thought" I said and went to the right there was a room there.

I open the door to find the merchant there.

"Well at less I found someone that will help me with my ammo" I said and went to buy some ammo from him.

"Hi what could I help you young lady" he said.

"Oh yeah could you give me some ammo for my handcannon and could I buy you the riotgun with some ammo please" I said and give him some money that I found on the room that Ashley and me were at.

"Here you go lady" he said and give me the ammo and the gun.

I start reloading my guns and putting away my ammo. I put the riotgun on my left thigh. I keep my handcannon on my right side of my waist.

"Hey could I wait here with you while my two friends come" I ask him.

He nods and point to a chairs with a desk next to him. I sigh and sat on the chairs next to the merchant.

I close my eyes and just relax waiting for Leon and Ashley. I then hear some opening a door so I open my eyes and saw Leon coming in.

He was surprise when he saw me.

"Well I see that you finally reach me what took you so long. I left a clear path for you maybe some ganados came but at less I took the rest" I said and stand up.

I start walking to the door.

"Crystal where are you going now" he ask.

"Don't worry Leon I be waiting for you two outside" I said and left him there.

I was leaning against the wall waiting for Leon and Ashley. I close my eyes and start humming to a song I use to hear.

I then feel someone trap me against the wall so I open my eyes to meet Leon.

"Yes what could I help you with baby" I said.

"Why did you run away Crystal" he ask.

"Leon I wanted to show you that I could take care of myself okay. You were treating me like a little kid. But no Leon I'm not a little kid. I came to Erupt to kill someone. I knew what I was getting myself into so please Leon don't treat me like a kid" I explain him.

Leon sigh but then just look at me and smile.

"I'm sorry love for treating you like you were weak. It's just that I'm worry to lose you thats all" he said.

"That okay Leon I'm not that easy to get kill" I said give him a kiss on the lips. He look at me then give me a kiss as well.

I separate from his arms and went to the door.

"Hey Crystal you know you look great with those clothes right" he said.

"Well thank you handsome will you be so kindly to help me with this door. Oh and call Ashley already" I said and went to the right lock waiting for him to get Ashley and go for the left lock.

We waited for the lights to turn green then pull the locks to open the door.

We went in and now we are in some kind of underground tunnel.

*UNDER EDITING* A Spy In Love ( Leon Kennedy x OC Reader)Where stories live. Discover now