Chapter 5

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Crystal POV

We start heading back to the village now. Outside there was a lot of villagers so Leon shoot a carriage and it got in fire and kill some of the villagers we just had to shoot like three left. We are now walking on the path that we came. We got to the village but it was filled with some villagers. It was a little harder now to kill the villagers because if you shoot there head the tentacle thing will come out and we had to keep this brat alive so it was a littler hard. We got to a door and open it so we could get out of the village. 

Now we are at the farm. Leon then told Ashley to hide in a garbage box. I was smirking at her. Poor girl she has to be inside a garbage. She then finally got inside. We walk a little then Leon stop and the next thing I now he pinned me to a wall.

"So Crystal has everything that you told me so far it's been a lie" he said and then I look at him. Damn it I forgot that everything that I have told him was a lie will not everything.

"Please Leon let me explain. Please don't be mad at me am sorry it just that........" I couldn't finish my sentence because Leon interrupt me.

"No Crystal will if that is your real name I don't want to heard any more lies from you. I don't know if I could trust you anymore!" he screams. This words broke my heart I was crying but it really did't notice because of the rain.

"Crys...." but I didn't heard Leon what he was about to said.

"Well Leon I'm sorry" was all I said then push him so I was free and could run away. I run and didn't go back.

Leon POV

"No Crystal will if that is your real name I don't want to heard any more lie from you! I don't know if I could trust you anymore!" I yell and then I realize what have I said. I look at Crystal and I could see that she was crying even in the rain.

"Crys....." but she didn't let me finish because she spook first. 

"Well Leon I'm sorry" she said and push me so she was free and she run away. She run so fast that I lost sight of her. Damn it Leon what have you done you did let her even explain herself. Crystal please forgive me.

Crystal POV

I been running and don't know were am I anymore. I got a big metal door but it was lock. Then I saw that I might climb the wall. So I start looking for a rope I found one and tie it to my knife. I trow my knife and it got stuck on the top. I start climbing. I was at the top and got my knife and tie the rope to a big rock. I climb off. I was now in a path that leading to a castle.  In got inside of the castle and find the merchant. I didn't had money on me. I went on check around and found some gold and money.

"What will you like" the merchant said. 

"I will like the sniper rifle and the riot gun" I said and hand him the money. He give me my guns and I start heading up the steps.  But I stop myself because I began to cough blood.

"Okay Crystal it's you just you. You going to kill Saddler no matter what" I start walking and I didn't paid any attention to the blood that I just cought. I use my rifle to shoot two ganados down. I was hiding good so they could not find me. Then I found the man that Leon and I save what was his name will he never told me his name.

"Will look who we got here is that beautiful lady" he said Oh yeah I forgot he was a pervert. Oh will.

"Hi handsome long time no see" I said and smile.

"Wow you do know when you call me that you turn me on" he said and he was smirking.

"Well I never got your name so I don't know what to call you" I said and lean on a wall.

"Oh sorry my lady me llamo Luis Sera and you are my lady" Luis said and got my hand and kiss it when he said my lady. I blush and told him my name.

"My name is Crystal Estrada" I said.

"Crystal what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady" he said.

"So what you doing here Luis" I ask him.

"Oh yeah we need to find Leon and the girl name Ashley I have something that might help you three" he said but then there were like 8 ganados coming from a door. Luis got my hand and start running. I don't know why but I don't like the sound of seeing Leon again. We run and then lost them.

"Wow that was a close one" Luis said.

"Com on Crystal follow me" he said and I nod and start following him. We run a little more and found Leon and Ashley.

"Leon" Luis yell.

"Luis" he said and then look and back of him and saw me.

"Crystal" he said. I didn't look at him and look down.

"I got something for you guy's" Luis said and start looking for something on him. But I think he couldn't find it.

"Oh shit" he said.

"Must of drop it while we were running away from them" he said and look at me.

"Drop what" Ashley said

"A drug that will stop your spasms" Leon look at Luis.

"Look I know your carries. You been coughing blood right" he said.

"Right" Leon said.

"And you" Luis told Ashley.

"Yes" she said.

"Crystal you too right" Luis turn around and look at me.

"Yes just 2 hour ago" I said.

"Damn it the eggs have hatch. We don't have much time" Luis said.

"What are you talking about" Leon told him.

"I have to go back and get it" Luis said.

"Let's me go with you" Ashley said.

"No you stay with Leon. He's better with the ladies. Am sure" he said.

"Luis why are you..." I was about to tell him why is he helping us but he stop me from finishing.

"It makes me feel better. Let's leave it like that" he said.

"Luis please let me go with you" I beg.

"Please Crystal stay with Leon I don't want nothing to happened to my beautiful Lady do I" He said and smile at me. I giggle at him.

"Yeah whatever handsome but your never going to get to me that easy so don't dream" I said.

"Oh will you never know" he said and he already left. Good Luck Luis. I turn around to meet Leon eyes at me.

"Let's keep going. Don't think that I want to be with you because I what. It just that Luis said it and there no were else to go than that door to get out of the castle" I said and start walking. I could feel Leon eyes on me the whole time. 

*UNDER EDITING* A Spy In Love ( Leon Kennedy x OC Reader)Where stories live. Discover now