Chapter 8

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Leon POV

Crystal told me what happened with her and Ashley but I could see that she was not telling me the whole true. 

"Crystal we have to leave" I told her and we start heading to a door to the right.

But before we could go in I heard Crystal scream. I turn around and see some kind of tentacle around her waist holding her in place.

"Leon help me!" she yell. I got my gun and was about to shoot the tentacle but then she was pull away to a hiding wall that open then close.

"Crystal!" I yell and try and find a way to open the wall but fail.

Then my radio rang so I pick it up. I couldn't heard nothing.

 "Hunnigan what happened. The transmission got cut off" I say but then I see Salazar at the other end.

"Salazar. How'd you" I was Interrupt by him speaking.

"We've jacked the line. We didn't want you telling everyone any unnecessary information" he said.

"Where's Crysatl and Ashley!" I yell.

"Aw... So they fell into one of our wonderful traps. We'll make sure we find them. Don't you worry about them they will be taking good care. Oh yes. I let our miserable insects out for some exercise down in the sewer" he said.

"Thanks. That should keep me company. Cuz boredom kills me" I replied.

 "I look forward to our next encounter... In another life" he said and the radio turn off.

"Damn it don't you worry Crystal and Ashley I will rescued you two just wait I'm coming" I said and put my radio away and start going. Please be okay Crystal I thought.

Crystal POV

I was pull away from Leon by some weird tentacle. I black out in the moment I lost sight of Leon. 

I see dark so much dark then I feel my body being pick up and carry somewhere. I was put down on something cold maybe the floor. Then I open my eyes to see that am in a room and a ganado in front of me. I back away a little and  then trip the ganado he was in the floor but then I use my leg to crush his head. I look at myself and see that am tie up with some chains.

"Just great this is not my day" I say and try and stand but I couldn't so I was now stuck in don't now were chain to a damn pole. I sight

"Will I have to wait util someone comes but wait what if another ganado comes and he kills me" I said and start getting nerves.

Then the door knot twist. I look at the door. Please be Leon please be Leon I pray in my head. The door open to revealed

"Crystal what thank god I found you and not a ganado" he said and smile.

"So will you give me a hand" I said and smile. He nod and try and look around the room for a key. Eventually he found it and came running to my side.

"Okau don't move so I could free you faster" he said so I just nod.

Some seconds pass and now I was free. I stand up and hug him.

"Thank you Luis" I thank him and pull away.

"No problem well we have to look for Leon so we could give them this cure" he said while showing me some kind of a tube.

"Okay let's go then" I said and smile just thinking about Leon we start running then.

"Oh yeah here" he said and hand me a gun.

"Thanks Luis" I said.

"No problem" he replied and start walking by my side.

"So Crystal are Leon and you something or what" he said and that made me blush.

"Please Luis let's concentrate in finding Leon first" I said trying to change the subject. He smirk but did keep on going.

We been walking while killing some ganados that came out of no were. I was fighting with my knife so I don't use bullets. Then we got to a door and open it. I see Leon there in the other side of the door. I smile and call his name so he turn around to look at us. He smile and step forward.

"Leon" Luis and I say at the same time. He turns and smile.

"I got it" Luis said but then the same tentacle that got me came but this time it went through his stomach. I gasp. It pick him up from his feet.

"LUIS!" Leon and I yelled. Then something fall down from Luis hand to Saddler hand. Then Luis was thrown to the floor. I ran to his side and then glare at Saddler.

"Now that I have the sample you serve me no more" Saddler said.

"Saddler" Leon yell.

"My boy Salazar will make sure that you follow the same fate" Saddler said and went away.

Leon try and go to him but stop and came running to my side.

I didn't really listen to Leon and Luis conversation because I was lost in my thoughts. 

Why why why does every person that I love or am friend with has to die. I was crying. Luis turn to me and smile.

"Oh come.... on Crystal..... don't be sad" Luis said. I look at him.

"Luis" I whisper.

"Well Leon it looks like you won the bet my man" Luis said.

Wait what bet is he talking about I thought. But before I could say something Luis stop breathing.

"Luis .........Luis.... LUIS!" I call his name and cry.

"Crystal" Leon said and hug me.

"Leon what did Luis mean that you won the bet. What bet" I ask him and look him straight in the eyes.

"Will......Crystal...." he start but I interrupt.

"Please Leon tell me the true. Don't lie please"  I said and stood up. He sigh and stood up as will.

"Crystal remember the time went we black out and got separate" he said.

"Yes" I replied.

"Will...Luis and me were tie up with chains and we made a bet of who will get to your heart first" Leon said.

"But Crystal I really didn't care about the bet becau......" Leon was interrupt by a slap in the face. Leon was froze in this spot.

"So I was just a prize for you!" I yell.

"No Crystal......" Leon started but he stop.

"NO LEON I DON"T WANT TO HEAR YOU. I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME BUT I WAS WRONG" I yell so loud and start running away from him.

"Crystal please don't run away am sorry!" Leon yell and start running after me.

I keep running away from Leon. His shouting was getting far away by now. I stop and found myself in a different room. I slide down the wall to the floor.

"Why? I did love him. Why did he had to break me like this" I was crying with my face on my knees.

*UNDER EDITING* A Spy In Love ( Leon Kennedy x OC Reader)Where stories live. Discover now