Just Listen

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Jackie's POV

It was a new day and I'm starting fresh, no more being that stupid girl who fell for guys that sweet talked her. I got up early because I planning to get back into shape, my high school coach contacted me asking if I wanted to help coach this year. So I need to be able to keep up with those girls. When I flew back to San Diego I was miserable. Ice cream was my best friend last night, but I'm done with my cry fest, I was going to be strong. I went across the hall and knocked on my neighbor Rick's door. He was working out with me and helping me get in shape. Rick is a perfect guy, we have so much in common and he really understands me. I had a small crush on him when I first moved here, but that quickly ended when I found out he was gay. Oh well, but he still has a great body and is still one of my good friends. "Hey ready to go?"

"Of course, let me just grab my watch." He said while he went back inside. Reappearing with his watch we walked out of our building and started our run.






Joseph POV

I gave Jackie a day to cool off, Derek was hanging out with Shannon all day yesterday so I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him about my problem. I was walking to Jackie's room to with tulips since those were her favorite flowers. I could hear people on the other side of the door "I'm going to kill him." someone yelled.

"Shannon calm down!" the voice sounded like Derek. "And you knew about this and didn't say anything, she is my best friend." Shannon said.

Oh gosh they must be talking about Jackie. I quickly knocked on the door and was instantly greeted by a not so happy looking Shannon. "What do you want?" She practically yelled at me. "I'm here to talk to Jackie, can you tell her I'm here." I said

"Well she's not here!" Shannon yelled

I just saw her yesterday, how is she not here I thought they were staying for a few days. "Well where is she? I wanted to talk to her about something." I said casually. She started shaking her head and laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked her.

"You are, well for starters Jackie flew back to San Diego yesterday! Also what makes you think she would actually give you the time of day?"

"What? What do you mean she flew back yesterday? I thought you two were staying a few more days."

"Well dumbass it seems like after she found out that you just used her, she packed up and left. Jackie was right, it was a bad idea to come to Vegas again, she's not even responding back to me so I have no idea if she's okay. You are a real ass for what you did to her! She has been through too much and you just had use her on her birthday weekend! Way to make her special!" she managed to yell I could tell there was more she wanted to say.

I stepped back and looked behind her where Derek was standing. "How long have you known she's been gone?" I asked getting agitated that no one informed until now.

"Early this morning, we came back because we thought you two were still together, but then Shannon found the letter Jackie wrote." Derek said. My head dropped, I really fucked up, I need to fix things fast! "Okay well what are we waiting for? Why don't we just fly back today to see her?" I asked trying to stay positive.

"Oh no that's not happening, ya'll can do whatever you want, but I'm going back to my best friend!" Shannon said and grabbed her luggage walking out of the door to the elevator.

"Wait Shannon! Let me walk you out!" Derek called out. I just plopped down on the couch, don't know how I'm going to get her to listen but I'll find a way. I pulled out my phone and scrolled down to her number. I can't decide if I should call her or text her, maybe its better for her to hear my voice. I dialed her number, but it went straight to voice mail. She must be really pissed, but if I explain everything maybe she could understand. I got up and walked to the door throwing the flowers away because right now they were pointless and I walked out of the room. Maybe I should just leave her alone, I am getting married soon. Its just I want to be near her maybe we need closure, or we could just talk it out. I didn't mean to hurt her, I wish Kelsey never called me that morning. I wouldn't be in this mess right now if she had just waited.

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