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Joseph's POV

I decided not to go out and confront Kelsey because she would probably lie about everything. So I just decided to tell my father the news instead. "Hey you and Mr. Andrew ran out too soon. Andy was able to find out about the source of the virus."

 I said walking into my dad's office. "Oh really and how did this virus get in?"

"Kelsey, she came to visit me one day and planted the virus on my computer so that when I sent out my weekly emails everyone on my floor would have gotten it." 

"Oh please, Kelsey wouldn't do such a thing. She's too sweet, besides does she know anything about computers? Are you making things up about the poor girl just because she dumped you?"

"Listen, I don't care about Kelsey. I'm letting you know because I think something is up with the Andrews'. I mean don't you think it's interesting how our big clients were the ones that had their security breached? All of their contracts are up for renewal this year, our merge hasn't been finalized yet either."

"You always had an imaginination. Things are fine, you just need to find out who is collecting the information and take them down." he said pouring himself a glass of scotch.

"Fine, I'll see you later." I said walking out. My phone started ringing and saw that it was Derek calling. "Hey man what's up?"

"Hey I'm just calling to see if you are coming to the scrimmage tonight? I taught the kids a few plays and they'll be using them tonight."

"Yeah I'll be there." I said 

"Okay cool, see ya then." he said hanging up. I walked back into my office and began calling our cilents to explain everything.


Jackie's POV 

"Okay students if you have already gave Mr. Adams your permission slip then head out to the cafeteria to be checked off. If you have the permission slip now then stay here so we can check you off." I yelled to the crowd of students in the gym. The students separated in the groups while I went to make sure we had everything packed on the buses. "Hey Ms. Jenkins, how is everything?" 

"Everythings good! I'm excited to watch the game."

"Yeah, so am I. Hopefully we win." I said. Ms. Jenkins is a long time coworker, she has worked with my dad since he started the academy. She retired five years ago but works as a bus driver to stay involved. "Have the cheerleaders and football players left yet?" she asked.

"Yes, they left about 20 mintues ago to warm up and get ready. Oh hows the planning for the block party going?"

"It's great! I got a flyer for this DJ promoter guy who's willing to give us a discount. Everything is falling in place, so it looks like we will be able to have in 2 weeks."

"That's great, just let me know the budget so I can write the check." right as I said that the students came pilling up in the bus. I took one last attendance and we headed to the field.


"Let's Go!!" Derek yelled as the game ended. We won 46-40 the celebration dinner was happening as soon the crowd clears and the non athletes get back on the bus to go home. "Alright students let's head back to the bus to get you all home. Make sure to call your parents to let you know you're on the way. " Ms. Jenkins yelled to the crowd as they walked to the buses. "I'll make sure they all get picked up. See you tomorrow." she said boarding the bus.

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