First Day

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Joseph POV

I was pulling into the parking lot at the Academy. The school didn't look that bad, but you could tell it still needed some work done. The neighborhood was a little sketch, I'm always hearing about this town in the news, and it isn't for good reasons. The town is almost empty in a sense, the presentation isn't the best. When we turn this school around, I think it will help bring a sense of pride to this neighborhood.

"Stop running in the halls Mr. Wilson" I heard Jackie yell at this boy running. "Sorry Ms. Williams." he said walking back to class.

"Well look who's being a cute hall monitor. These are for you." I said handing her a bouquet of tulips.

"What are these for?"

"I wanted to apologize for Kelsey's behavior at lunch, she was uncalled for and very rude."

"Yeah, it was." She said smelling the flowers an taking some out. "Follow me."

I followed her down the hall to the teachers lounge where she placed a flower in all the teacher mail slots. " Why do you pass out the flowers? I bought them for you."

"Yes, and it is nice, but what about all the other people that aren't getting anything. Most of my staff are women who dedicate their life to teaching kids and miss out. Many of them don't get any kind of affectionate gifts, and a flower on a Monday might brighten their day." She said walking back to her office. Wow I never thought of that, she is really thoughtful.

I'm starting to feel bad about Vegas, Jackie is a sweet girl. We walked back to her office and took our seats. She pulled out her blueprints of what she wanted.

"Okay well we really need an actual football field, that is a must. An all purpose turf field would be perfect because we have soccer, lacrosse teams that need a game field. We will need a baseball field too. Maybe even a softball field, but we still have to decide if we will be offering that sport this year. The gym needs remodeling, also we are thinking about offering wrestling, but that's still being discussed."

She then pulled out another blueprint

"This is for inside the school. I want to redesign the building and make it more open and welcoming. For instance a giant clock tower would look nice in the front. For inside they need new lockers, the 100-300 hallways got new lockers 3 years ago so they are fine, but 400-600 hallways need some. In the classrooms I want a tv in each, because we will be having morning school news to get the kids interested in what's happening in the community. The desk in the classrooms, much of our desk have graffiti or they are just old. Lastly we need renovation in the locker rooms and bathrooms." Jackie said pointing to all the areas that will need help.

Well this school need lots of work done thats for sure. I stood up from my chair to get a better view of the blue prints. "Did you help design all this?" I asked her. "Yes, my father did a little construction, but Carl helped with most of it. He teaches the our Engineering and Architecture class." she began to smile.

"Are you and Carl dating?" I asked her.

"Whats it to you who I'm dating or not dating?" Jackie asked with a smirk.

"Just curios, dating co-workers doesn't end very well. From what I've seen at work."

"Well no Carl and I are not dating. I'm staying clear of dating for a long time, I'm tried of dealing with jerks who just use people or cheat."

"I didn't cheat on you, and I didn't use you either." What is she trying to say I'm not the bad guy here, I have feelings for her so I wasn't using her and I didn't cheat on her, we aren't dating.

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