Date Night

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Joesph's POV

I was on my way to Jackie's to pick her up for our date. Yesterday did not go as planned, I knew my father would take it hard but I didn't think he would practically disown me. My mother calmed him down and called me this morning to see how I was. Surprisingly my mother took it better than I expected, she never really liked Kelsey either didn't have a "good vibe" she told me. Anyways she is a fashion designer and wants to help Jackie with the kids school and sports uniforms.

Pulling up to Jackie's aparement complex I grabbed the flowers I bought for her, and sour gummy worms since those are her favorite. Right as I was about to knock on her door, her neighbor Rick opened his. "Oh loverboy, I see you're here to take Jackie out. Listen up and listen good. Do not hurt that girl she has been through too much. First the death of her father, and then Ryan. She is a sweet girl and does not deserve to be played by some millionare playboy thinking who thinks he's better than eveybody else. I may not be related to that girl, but she is still like a sister to me. Be careful I'm watching you." he said eyeing me down.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to mess this chance up. I'm just thankful she's even giving me a chance. I have only known her for a couple month, but I can see that she is a kind-hearted person and I would never want to hurt her."

"Hmm, okay you good for right now but if I see a tear fall down that pretty face of hers I'm coming for yo ass. Doesn't matter how sexy your ass may be-

"Rick leave the poor guy alone!" someoneone yelled from inside.

"Hi Jospeh."

"Carl? What are you doing here?" Are they both here to threaten me?

"Joseph this is my partner Rick." Carl said wrapping his arm around Rick's wasit.

Oh well damn, I was really worried about him getting to Jackie for no reason. "Yeah you can relax Joesph I was never after Jackie, we are just close friends from working together for so long."

"What's going on out here." Jackie's door open and she stood there just breath takingly beautiful. She didn't even have an elegant outfit on. She had on a black high wasited jeans and a red blouse, with full red lips that just made me want to kiss them. Her hair was curled, and she had on hoop earingings.

"Nothing, we were just having guy talk. Nothing to worry your pretty little head." Rick said walking over to her, then whispering something in her ear that made her laugh and look at me. "Yeah, I know." she said back.

"Well here these are for you." I handed her the flowers and watched her smell them. "Thank you." she whispered "Let me just put them in some water and we can go." she said walking back into her apartment.

"Now that she's gone, don't forget Joseph we'll be watching you." Rick said

"Now we won't. Go out and have fun." Carl said. "Why do you always try to scare people, you know you aren't scary." he said walking back into Ricks apartment.

Jackie came out and we left. "So where are we going on this fine evening?" Jackie asked as I opened the door for her. "Hmm well it's a restaurant great environment and the people are nice."

"So you aren't going to tell me then?"

"Nope you'll have to wait and see."

The drive was quiet but it was comfortable. We arrived at Ms. Mae's restaurant. I saw Jackie's face and she looked a little puzzled. "What's wrong, do you not like the restaurant?"

"Oh no it's fine! I just wouldn't expect someone from your background to be seen here. No offense, you just seem like the kind of guy that likes high class restaurants like the one we went to in Vegas."

"Yeah it's okay, well when I was young I had a nanny since I was a baby. you'll meet her soon." I opened the entrance and founded my usual table. Ms. Mae's place was nice you could sit anywhere, but I had a special spot.

"Anyways my nanny's name is Ms. Mae and this is her restaurant. Well I grew up eating her southern food, so it's my favorite type of food. Those other restaurants don't have enough flavor in their food, it's so bland." I said as we sat down.

"Oh Joseph! Is this the girl you were talking about?" Ms. Mae yelled walking over to us. I stood up to give her a hug. "Yes, this is who I wanted you to meet." Jackie stood up to greet Ms. Mae.

"Ms. Mae this is Jackie my special friend I was telling you about. Jackie this is Ms. Mae the women who practically raised me." Jackie reached her hand out. "Oh honey there's no need to be formal. Give Ms. Mae a hug." Ms. Mae said grabbing Jackie into a big hug.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ms. Mae." Jackie said smiling. We sat back down and Ms. Mae went back into the kitchen to get our food.

"She seems really sweet." Jackie said. "Yeah, she is the best you'll love her. Oh and I have offically called off the engagement with Kelsey my parents know. I don't know or care if Kelsey's parents know. So I would really like to see where things go between us."

"Hmm well that's pretty big. How did they take it?"

"Well my dad kinda disowned me, my mom doesn't seem to be affected by it. I think it's because I'm the only child and she doesnt want to lose me. Kelsey has moved out as well."

"Well let's just take things slow."

"Oh and what did Rick whisper in your ear that made you look at me?"

"Hahaha oh, he was just admiring your ass. He thinks it's cute, and I agreed."she said smiling.

Our food finally arrived and we had small talk during dinner.


The date went great. After dinner I took her to the pier and walked around listening to the ocean. Jackie was telling about her father being killed a few years back and it's just been her and her mom since then. She decided to throw all her energy into the school.

"I had great time tonight Joseph." Jackie said playing with her keys in front of her door. I used my index finger to lift her head and leaned in to-

"Oh! I thought I heard noise out here. What's up?" Shannon said smiling.

Jackie dropped her head then quickly looked up at Shannon. "What are you doing in my apartment? How did you get a key?"

"Come on Jackie you've known me long enough. I took my spare key back."

"You mean my spare key?" Jackie said raising her eyebrow.

"Potato, potado. Mi su casa es tu casa."

"But it's my place."

"Anyways... I have some news for you!"
Shannon said pulling her inside then just closing the door in my face.

Did she really just leave without a kiss goodbye? I began to turn when the door opened.

"I forgot something." Jackie said wrapping her arms around my neck and smashing her soft luscious lips to mine. She pulled away and smiled "See you on Monday." she said backing up.

I quickly kissed her again.

"See ya"


Sorry, I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've updated. I'll be doing updates either twice a week or once a week now.

Sorry if the chapter is boring. Anyways tell me what you think!

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! :)

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