It's Over

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Joseph's POV

It's been a few weeks since I caught Kelsey with Ryan. I was in the process of trying to call the engagement off. Everything has hectic since we were hacked, thank God it was the weekend so I could get away from the stress plus I have to make sure Kelsey doesn't take any of my stuff when she comes back to get the rest of her things. I heard someone jingling keys near the door, she is really dumb if she thinks I wouldn't change the locks after she left. I quickly opened the door to see her shock expression. "Why did you change the locks?"

"You don't live here so what does it matter?"

She just pushed be back and walked in. "Your stuff is over there in the corner." pointing to all her crap in a pile on the floor. "What is this?" she asked.

"Its a pile of your clothes, and a few boxes of your other items. What else would it be?" can she just get her things and leave, I'm already annoyed of her presence. Besides Jackie was coming over at 6 to talk about me coaching and maybe being a mentor. "Joey what happen to us? We were so perfect together, why can't get just forget about everything and get back together. Besides our family are expecting us to get married I don't think they will be happy if they found out the engagement was over." She said walking closer to me. "What are you trying to do Kelsey, I know you've been cheating." I stepped back.

"Oh come on Joseph we both haven't been faithful, we can get past this."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." she kept moving closer to me, I don't know whats up her sleeve.

"You really want to play dumb? I know you have cheated on me with that bitch from that school. I can see they way you would look at her"

"Are you talking about Jackie? Let's get one thing straight Jackie is not some bitch."

"Oh so now you are defending her? Joseph, baby stop kidding with yourself. You know she wouldn't be accepted in our circle." she said crossing her arms.

"We aren't in high school anymore. What does it matter if she is not rich, she's still a good person."

"Oh please Joseph, you and I both know your father of all people would not accept your relationship with her. Beside I don't think your father would like to know that we are no longer together or that you cheated on me with her." she began to smirk "So you might as well just stop playing around."

"You don't know my father, I'm not even with Jackie."

"Yeah, but you want to. I'm just saying be careful she's probably using you, people like her are always trying to trap men. Beside I know you'll miss me, I'm great in bed and you know it." she said turning around and walking to her clothes. Something I won't miss about Kelsey, her cockiness she wasn't all that good in bed.

"You know you could at least help me with some of these boxes, it would make the process go quicker." she said holding her clothes and walking to the door. "Sure. I have nothing better to do." I began grabbing a couple of the boxes and walked to her car.

Kelsey's phone started ringing "Hello"

"Oh hello Mr. Michaels it's good to hear from you."

What was my dad calling her for? "Everything is fine sir, I'm with Joseph right now."

"You want to have us over for dinner?" Kelsey began to smirk. I signaled her to give me the phone. "Hey dad it's me. What were you saying?"

"Ah hello son, I was inviting you and Kelsey over for dinner tonight. I know it's short notice, we are having a little gathering and we couldn't just not have our son and his fiancé not be there. The dinner will be served at 6 so make sure to be here. I have to go our mother is calling me, see you two soon.

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