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Jackie's POV

Shannon was speeding through all the traffic to get to the hospital. This can't be happening not again, I can not lose another parent. My mom and I have been through so much already with the death of my father. About 5 years ago my father was gunned down on his way out of the grocery store, they caught his killer and it was some kid from the streets. It was a gang intiation, but theres still a mystery because he told the cops that the leader of the gang was being paid for the job. So instead of the leader doing his dirty work he had this kid do it for him.

We still don't know who paid the leader, all we know is that Caleb is the one serving time in prison. My mom and I actually visit him in jail, it took time but we were able to start the forgiving process. He doesn't have any close relatives that visit him, so we see him on his birthdays, and try to visit him on Thanksgiving and Chrtistmas.

We pulled into a parking spot and I ran out. "Where's Kathrine Williams?" I walked up to the front desk.

"Are you family?" this woman asked.

"Yes. of course I'm family I'm her daughter! Now where is she?"

"She's in room 201." she said directing me to the hallway. Shannon walked in and we ran to my mom's room. The door was closed and the doctor was talking to her. I turned the knob and just walked in "Mom are you okay? What happen? Are you hurt?"

"Calm down Jackie, I'm fine. I have a feeling the same people who had your father killed are back" she sighed.

"How dad changed his name, and had 2 different address when he was alive? He kept his business and private life separate. How could they possibly find us?"

"I don't know sweetie."

My father started the academy Richard Wilcox, he used his fathers name Wiliams and his mother's name Cox to make Wilcox. That was his business name, but his birth name which was Wiliams was for his private life. He was a multi-millionare almost billionare he got started in stocks when he was young, he also helped design apps which was where most of his money came from. I didn't grow up spoiled like many children of rich kids, but I did have a privilege life my parents were always there and they always supported me. We did take lot of vactions, but I went to a public schools and was like an average kid.

When my father was killed it just turned our whole life around. I looked up to him and wanted to be just like him too. In his will he gave me the academy and instructions on what he wanted to do with the school, so I just followed his orders.

"Hi I'm Dr. Young. You must be her daughter, you're mother is doing fine. A few stictches under her eyebrow, she will have a few bruises and be sore for a few days, but that will all heal in time. We are going to keep you here overnight just for observation. She'll be able to leave tomorrow."

"Okay thank you doctor." I said shaking his hand.

Shannon and I took our seat on each side of the bed. "Momma Kay what what happen?" Shannon said grabbing my moms hand.

My mom grabbed my hand and we all just sat in silence for a moment.

"Well my entire day was odd, I felt like I was being followed. I went to the groccery store and there was this man with a cart just walking in every aisle I was in. Eventually I lost him when I left the store and went back home, but then I went on my evening walk at the park and then the man appeared again. He was seriously following me this time, I started to pick up my pace and started jogging then he ran up attacking me. I pulled out my peper spray and tried spraying him, but he knocked it out of my hand and pulled out a knife. He jumped and grabbed me it happen so quickly the next thing I remember was this man was pulling the guy off me and the ambulance was there. The attacker pushed the man out of the way and ran away. The police weren't able to catch him, they think the man was just some punk kid, but I know it wasn't. The guy had the same tattoo that Caleb described the members of the gang having. I know its related."

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