Chapter 1

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My first story! Hope you like! These ideas came from nowhere in about an hour! Thanks for reading! Vote, comment and fan! thanks! xo


Chapter 1


I’m not used to being called “Gabriella” by anyone, unless they didn’t know me or were upset with me. It was always Gab or sometimes Gabby. Although eventually I earned the occasional nickname “GCF”, my initials, from one of my best friends, Ariel, who is completely obsessed with this guy named Cody Simpson.

“What have I been blamed for this time…” I said under my breath, meaning for it to be to myself.

“Code ‘Crazylady’?...” My absolute best friend, Kyryn, fake-laughed into the phone after sighing deeply.

I zoned out again. It’s what that “crazy lady” does to me. I swear. Kyryn gets me through it all, though. We’ve been best friends since we were 4. She’s so supportive, understanding, but yet has a sense of humor at the same time.

“Yup. I’ll call you back, that is, if I get the phone back. That bitch is probably eavesdropping.” I replied, biting the side of my cheek. I regretted saying that. Of course she’s eavesdropping. And I just called her a bitch. Smart, Gab, smart.

I’m not allowed to use the phone unless my mom is in the room and of course if I ask her first. Otherwise, she’ll think I’m telling someone about the things she’s doing to me. I’ve only told Kyryn. Bits and pieces to Ariel. I wouldn’t tell the police because I would have nowhere to go if, I mean, when she went to jail. I’ll probably end up dead soon anyways. But I haven’t seen Ariel since she moved to Ontario a year ago. And things have gotten worse since then.

“Okay…Stay safe…” Kyryn hesitated, and I hung up.

It was my insane mother yelling from the downstairs bathroom yet again. We live alone in a medium-sized but very aged suburban household in LA. I repeat. Alone.

I quickly pushed my laptop I received from my uncle off my lap and onto my small bed. We don’t have internet here, but when I sneak out to Kyryn’s house I do. My uncle gave it to me, as what I assumed was a pity gift, after my father ditched my mother and I for some 19 year old skank when I was 11. I’m 14 now, going on 15 on April 17th.

My heart started beating faster than ever as I heard thumping footsteps approaching my tiny bedroom. I started shaking and pacing. I just didn’t want to talk to her. I didn’t want to see her face. She’s just too unpleasant. I wish she would just…. Die. Rot in hell. That’d be good. And I’m not just saying that, I mean it. Just a word out of her drunken, drug-abused mouth puts a frown on your face. I don’t even know why she acts this way. It’s been happening since before my father left. She really makes no sense. She’s just -

My thoughts we interrupted by a large crash outside my bedroom. It sounded like my mom had stricken the ground after a thump on my wall sounded and a bottle shattered. No other noises were made for a few minutes after that. I assumed she just passed out, hitting the wall, and then falling on the floor hard. That’s my mom for ya!

My heart stopped and I became cold-blooded once I heard someone moving. I scurried to my closet to feel, well, a bit safer. She would end up looking there, but what the heck! It’s worth a shot. I snuggled into the back corner, shut the door, and was still shaking. I put my hand on my chest. I could feel my heartbeat. Suddenly my room’s door swung open and smashed into the wall beside the doorway. No more heartbeat. I couldn’t swallow. She was making her way to my closet.

“Hah, I know you’re in here you stupid child. Why do you bother? You’re so pathetic.” My mom slurred.

She swung open my closet door to see me looking blankly at her.

“You answered your own question.” I replied, almost giving her a smirk. But I didn’t want to be perceived as even remotely pleased by her presence.

She grabbed my left arm and yanked me up out of my closet and up on my feet. So hard, that I fell forward as soon as I got up. Now I couldn’t feel my arm very well and my wrist was numb. She was yelling at me.


I bent over a little bit, holding my stomach with my non-hurting arm. I already have endless bruises on my stomach from her pulling this – ‘warning move’ as I call it – all the time.

“MOM. I’m almost 15. I NEED PRIVACY SOMETIMES!” I yelled back at her.

She knew I had a valid argument and flung her hand at me.

A slap across the face.

This knocked me over and almost knocked herself over. Knowing her, she was obviously drunk. She was normally high but hasn’t been out presumably ‘buying drugs’, so her alternative is drinking.

I could feel my head spinning. I’d hit the back of my head on the corner of my doorway. I wasn’t completely knocked out, but I pretended I was so my mom would leave. She can definitely be gullible. I just lay there motionless with my mouth open a little bit. My mom shoved me out of the doorway, smashing my head on the floor once again, and slammed the door behind her. She stumbled out, and I heard another crash. I heard the glass on the floor. She must’ve stumbled over the shards and fell again.

She was definitely out. Knocked out. Thankfully I wasn’t. I was practically immune now. I used to be so fragile but I’ve gotten a lot stronger since this started happening on a regular basis, about every day since she’s been home frequently, which was about 2 months ago. I was physically and emotionally scarred since my mom’s first outbreak on me, which was choking me almost do death from anger because of the loss of contact from my father. I don’t get emotionally scarred much anymore. She’s pulled nothing new on me lately.

I scooted up to a sitting position on the floor trying not to hurt my left arm. I was wondering what my face looked like. Probably no different than usual, just a temporary hand print on it. I put my right hand on my face. It was warm, and was starting to swell. I also felt the back of my head. A huge bump, but no blood. Good. Good good good... For now.


Thoughts? Chapter 2 coming tonight! I know it's not interesting yet but things are picking up in chapter 2! xo

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