Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I don’t get emotionally scarred much anymore. She’s pulled nothing new on me lately.


I slowly put my hand on the doorknob and cracked the door. It creaked a bit, but I wasn’t too concerned. My mom is out for hours when she’s like this... Which is often.

I glanced at her. She was about 8 feet from my doorway and 6 feet from the stairs. She looked fine, at least from this angle. She most likely had cuts from all the glass she landed on. It was everywhere. I tried to rise from the floor. Normally this is a difficult post-abuse process due to severe body pain. It was surprisingly easy, but I let it go, knowing she just didn’t ‘try her hardest’ this round.

I slipped on some socks with my right hand only. That was hard, but I managed to do it. I wanted to refrain from getting shards of glass in my toes. After I changed into dark wash skinny jeans, a loose black and white t-shirt and my light hoodie, I was going to make a run for it.

I peeked outside my room. She was still there on the floor passed out.

“Do it Gab. Just do it.

Oh shoot. Those debating voices in my head again.

“She’ll just end up finding you again and you’ll get trapped in your room for a month.” Another one said.

“You get temporary happiness and solitude. Do it, Gab. Get outta here.” The first one said.

“No, you get outta here.” I whispered to the voices. They disappeared.

I just had to do it. As the first voice said – “you get temporary happiness and solitude”.

Look at me. I sound like a schizophrenic. Screw this. I’m going for it.

I tip-toed out of my room, closing my bedroom door quietly as I exited. I got to the staircase, looked at her one more time, and I slowly creeped down the stairs, took off my socks, slipped on my blue flip-flops and went for a walk.


It was about 7pm. It was still light out, but evening had definitely settled into the suburban area. I walked up the road for about an hour until I realized I’d totally forgotten about my own cell phone which I pay for. I didn’t tell my mom about it. She would be furious. I’d been saving up my money since I was born, I guess, and had $932.00. With that, I bought myself an iPhone in December. I couldn’t call anyone; it would cost me extra money. I could only text and go on the internet for a few minutes. But I remembered I’d put it in my hoodie’s pocket whenever I last wore it. I reached in, and it was there nestled in my pocket, undamaged.

The only number I had was Kyryn’s. But I had 2 messages. One from her, one from an unknown number. I checked the unknown number's text first.

To: Gab – 6:15pm 3/21/12

Are you doing alright? I’m worried about you…

I was kind of confused… Wrong number, maybe? I let it go. I checked Kyryn’s text.

To: Gab – 6:24pm 3/21/12

I’m worried about you!!! Text me back a.s.a.p.!! :(

I was somewhat glad she was worried. It kind of reassured me that there was someone who cared.

From: Gab – 7:07pm 3/21/12

I’m… okay I guess

Sent. I got a reply back surprisingly quickly.


To: Gab - 7:08pm

What did she do to you. And where are you?!?

I really didn’t know where to start.

From: Gab – 7:11pm

Since I was talking on the phone, she got upset and came up to my room, but she was super drunk and fell over just outside my door, smashing her bottle to pieces and falling on the floor for a minute or so. She got up, went into my room and pulled me out of my closet and I fell forward. It hurt my arm and my wrist has been kind of numb since… then she slapped me across the face. I pretended that it knocked me out since I’d hit the back of my head on the wall. She left my room and took the phone but tripped over the shards of her bottle. She was knocked out, so I left. I walked for about an hour up the road and I really dunno where I am now.


To: Gab – 7:13pm

Sooo you don’t know where you are? Maybe I could get my mom to drive up the road to find you.


I was about to text back when I bumped into a tall, attractive blonde boy with aqua-colored eyes on the sidewalk. He appeared to be sucked into his phone as well.

I couldn’t help but smile. I had to admit, he was cute. But he seemed familiar… He reminded me of one of those boys Ariel was obsessed with. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it though. I’ve barely been on the internet, seen TV or read the news enough to know anything about celebrities these days. I was basically isolated from the media, I guess.

“Oh gosh! I’m so sorry!” I said, kind of awkwardly a couple moments after I crashed into him.

“I-..Uh…” He paused. He was scanning my face.

Our bodies were almost touching. He seemed nervous and somewhat zoned out. Kind of in shock.

He snapped out of it and stepped back a bit.

“Yeah! Uh, I’m sorry too, it’s no problem…” He gave me another weird look.

He had a cute Aussie accent; he definitely didn’t come from here.

“Umm, I’m Cody Simpson. You’ve probably heard of me.” He said, putting out his hand for me to shake.

I stood there frozen. My eyes widened.

Don't Cry Your Heart Out [Cody Simpson Fanfic] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now