Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


“Oh yes, I believe I saw her on the news.”


*Gab’s POV*


I suddenly feel sick to my stomach.

Without even thinking, I jump up off of the bed and run to the bathroom.

People are coming into my room.

“Gab! Hi!” Selena says as she walks into the room with Justin.



I enter the bathroom and shut the door, then immediately start vomiting uncontrollably.

Is this how my body is handling my emotions?!

It’s cruel and disturbing.

After I feel like I’m finished, I stand up and wash my face.

Someone knocked on the door to the bathroom.

“Gabriella? Are you okay?” The person who I assume is the doctor asks. It’s an unfamiliar voice.

“Yeah, I-… I’m okay.”

I walk out of the bathroom and sit back down on the bed.

Justin and Selena came to visit, I see. They’re sitting on extra seats to the edge of the room.

Dr. Boros was filling them in on my condition.

“That was probably your body trying to get all of the stuff from the pills out of your system Gabriella. If anything I’m glad to see you functioning properly.” He says.

“Hey, Gab, I’m glad you’re feeling better. We were worried and wanted to come in as soon as we could.” Justin says.

“Thanks, a lot.”

Now I’m focused on what Dr. Boros said about him seeing my mom on television.

I feel sick again.

Do I dare ask what he saw?

“Gab, honey, if you’re wondering if Brad, Jake, Josh and Cam are okay, they are. I talked to them earlier.” Angie spoke up.

I almost fainted of relief but I made my way to my bed before I could fall over.

“Well, um, what did… You see on the news Dr. Boros?” I shake out.

“She’s been arrested by the state police in central LA…” He answers.

I fall back on my bed.

“I’m so sorry…”

I laugh and partially sit back up.

“It’s fine, really.”

I can’t help but smile when I see Cody grinning about how the doctor thinks it’s a bad thing that’s she’s in prison again.

“Uh… Okay, well I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself to you yet. I’m Dr. Boros and I’ve been taking care of you since you came to the ER at around 10 last night.”

I smile.

“And you obviously know who I am by now.” I say.

The walls start to bend.

What in the…

Everything begins to glow and move far away from me in an instant and back right in front of my eyes a second later.

I lean my head back as I’m resting my body on my shoulders.

Did I take LSD or something?

I know what’s going on isn’t normal but I can’t do anything to stop it.

I start to rub and blink my eyes but it just makes everything fuzzier.

I smile. But why?

Everybody in the room acts like nothing’s happening and are just chatting.

Suddenly every object in the room leaves ghost trails as I move my head.

Now I’m laughing a little bit.

Still, everyone in the room is just talking back and forth.

I spring out of my bed and run outside for some reason.

I run through the hallways like a mental patient and no one questions me.

I know there’s something wrong with me and I don’t know why I’m doing this, and yet I don’t stop.

I’m skipping and running not knowing where I’m going. I still can’t really make out anything around me.

I start hugging everyone I see.

I can’t stop myself.

I’ll just say I’m really friendly when I’m sane again.

I find what I think is a staircase and immediately fly down them with my distorted vision causing me to trip and fall frequently. But I feel no pain when I hit the ground.

I don’t feel human right now.

I find myself in the hospital lobby where once again everyone is acting like there’s no insane, hallucinating, and in-obvious-need-of-medical-attention teenage girl making a loud entrance to the main level of the building.

I want help but my body won’t let me seek it. No, I don’t want help, I need it. My thoughts are the total opposite from my actions. I can’t control anything I’m doing.

I run out the automatic doors and it’s dark outside. But I thought it was 6am!

I start to head straight forward. Any sources of light appear to be flickering. Everything is still spinning intensely and I don’t know how I’m standing.

I see a face in front of me.

“Gabby? Gabriella? IS THAT YOU?” The man asks.

I look closer.

Is that… My…

“D-..Dad?” I cry out as human as possible.

“I’ve been searching everywhere for you!”

He starts moving back and forth due to my vision.

I’m smiling at him although I want to be smashing his face with my fist. But I can’t control anything.

“Gabby, please, listen to me... It’s about home.

I missed how he was always so gentle.

I missed how he always meant well.

I missed how he was the only one that called me Gabby.

I missed him.


I started to feel somewhat in control of my actions.

I feel like I’m spinning and start to walk backwards.

I see headlights coming from my right.



Are you alright?


I’m on the ground and I don’t feel anything.

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