Chapter 15

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Jace and I say goodbye to my father and sit on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" He rubs my knee.

I inhale deeply. "Betrayed."

He gives me a sympathetic look.

"First, she tells me and the cops that David shot himself, when really she was hiding him away. Then come to find out, she lied to me about my father? What other skeletons from her closet has she lied to me about?" I cry.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." He wraps me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. "Come on. Put something pretty on."

He smiles and I go get dressed.

Jace takes us outside of town and to small shopping center.

"Come on." He gives me a big smile and grabs a little bag from under his seat.

"Where are we going?" I laugh.

He's so excited. It's adorable.

"Just come on." He chuckles and rushes me into a cute coffee shop.

I gasp.

It's so beautiful. The walls are a teal blue with cute coffee cups on them and sayings about coffee. Coffee cup lights are hung over the spacious room. All of the tables are in the shape of colorful macaroons and the chairs look like comfortable coffee cups. Everything looks so cute and colorful.

Jace gives me a huge grin and leads me up a spiral staircase.

The smell of old paper and leather hits my nose immediately.

Books fill the walls. Huge glass windows fill the back wall, showing the beautiful trees outside. The tables and chairs have fake books and book covers on them.

"This place is gorgeous." I finally form words.

Jace laughs. "I was hoping you'd say that."

I smile at him. "Why do you say that?"

His smile grows and he inhales deeply. "It's yours."

I give him a confused look. "What?"

"It's yours, baby. The coffee shop and up here. You can turn it into a library, bookstore, or whatever you want. I bought it and had a team design it just for you."

"Oh my gosh!" I shout and jump in his arms.

He chuckles and kisses me.

"Thank you so much!" I cry.

Obviously those damn pregnancy hormones haven't gone away yet.

"One more thing, baby." He smiles and puts me down.

He opens the bad to reveal a thick leather book.

He gets down on one knee and smiles up at me with tears in his eyes.

Oh my God!

"Arielle, I hated you when we first met. You were hateful and you hurt my ego." He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot the first time we met in the school cafeteria. But, there was always something about you. I knew from the moment I first saw you, you would either be the best or worst thing that ever happened to me. Turns out, you were the best. I don't want to live without you and our kids by my side."

I giggle as tears spill down my cheeks.

"Arielle Marie Crawford, will you love me and stay by my side forever?" He opens the book. "Will you marry me?"

I nod my head eagerly. "Yes! Yes!"

He grins and sets the book down and twirls me in his arms.

I laugh as he places the beautiful ring on my finger.

"Did you just propose to me with a book?" I laugh.

He shakes his head, smiling. "Not just any book, baby."

He shows me the cover and more tears fall down my face.

The cover of the book has a picture of Jace, Emma, the twins, and I.

 And the title reads; Because of the Bucket List.

 And the title reads; Because of the Bucket List

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