Chapter 11

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"She isn't breathing."

For the second time that day, my heart stops.

The doctor cuts the umbilical cord from around her foot and wraps her in a small pink blanket.

The doctor brings her to me and lays her gently on my chest.

She's gorgeous.

She's so tiny. She has a full head of dark brown hair. She has little wrinkles all over. Her chin has a cute dimple. Her eyes are closed and swollen, but I bet they look just like mine. Her little hands and feet are slightly blue and she's pale. But still, she's beautiful.

I hold her close to my heart as I cry.

Jace holds my hand gently and tears fall down his face.

The nurse smiles at me, as she brings me my other baby.

She lays the small baby, wrapped in a blue blanket, next to his sister on my chest.

His electric blue eyes shine underneath his long eyelashes. He smiles at me a wide dimpled grin. His light brown hair is slightly wavy. He's so much bigger than her.

He looks just like Jace.

His eyes look down at his sister and his smile goes away.

He shuffles in my arms and his cheek gently touches his sisters.

He closes his eyes and his breathing steadies.

I look at Jace as he watches our babies. The tears in his eyes glimmer.

I look back at the babies with small hope that they're both just sleeping.

But only one is asleep. One of them is dead.

My heart is broken.

I knew she wasn't growing fast enough. They both came too earlier. I don't understand why my life has been this way. I thought I was a good person. Why does all of this bad stuff keep happening to me? The past year has been killing me. My boyfriend being in a coma, my kidnapping, Ryan's death, and now my baby is dead.

I don't deserve this.

No one deserves this.

My heart races as I hear the small gasps come from my baby girl.

"Nurse!" I shout.

The nurses and the doctor rush back over to me.

My baby takes one big gasp of air and her beautiful eyes pop open at me.

"Oh my God!" Jace exclaims, as tears of joy tears down both of our faces.

Both of my babies smiles at each other and I hold them tightly.

"Congratulations, Ms. Crawford." The doctor smiles at me. "Would you like to name them?"

Jace and I already decided on names even before we knew we were having twins.

I nod and smile at Jace.

"Okay, what is baby girl's name?" The nurse smiles.

"Ryleigh Blaine Wilder." I smile.

"That's beautiful. And baby boy's name?"

I look at Jace and he grins widely. "Rylan Blake Wilder."

"Ryleigh and Rylan. Two perfect names for two perfect babies." The doctor pats Jace's shoulder.

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