Chapter 5

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After what feels like forever, the van stops and David yanks me out into the warm night.

He pushes me through the door of some kind of building, where 2 guys with huge guns stand like statues.

It looks like some kind of old hospital or something. Its creepy with all kinds of doors and hallways.

We walk a little further to a single door.

David throws me in the room and I fall on my ass.

"I'll be back for you later, bitch." He laughs and walks out.

I am weak, sore, and defeated.

I curl myself in a ball and cry.

Suddenly, a realization hits me.

David doesn't know I grabbed my phone.

I reach down my shirt and grab it. I unlock it and send Ryan a message; Track me.

It's simple but I know he'll know just how to track my phone.

I hide my phone under the mattress of the disgusting bed and wait.

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