Day 16; Lemon flavoured

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The past few days were mind-numbingly boring and tiring. Just days of climbing the mountain in the freezing cold. They'd experienced near-death situations a few times when they'd climbed up some softer snow and almost all fell to their deaths. But that was all that the excitement stretched to. At least, that's what everyone but Vivi thought. The girl had become enamoured with the snow. In fact, right then she was lying in it at their rest point and was making snow angels.

"Could you stop that. We're all tired and miserable and looking at you having fun is even more depressing." Alice snapped.

"But Alice, I'm making snow angels." Vivi pouted.

"So?" Alice was tired of walking in the snow. It hadn't snowed once while they were on the mountain and each night she'd skip the fire with almost everyone else and sleep in the tiny tent all by herself, freezing cold and irritated.

"It's probably the closest I'll ever get to being an angel." She said innocently and smiled. Not knowing how creepy what she said was. "Oh, look! It's yellow! It's lemon flavoured snow cones!"

"Vivi, I wouldn't do that if I were-" Alice began but Vivi started eating the snow and spat it out straight away.

"Eww, that is not a nice lemon flavour." Vivi squealed and wiped her tongue.

"That was pee," Alice said, then realized something. "Pee." She muttered and trudged up to Ellion and the boys.

"There is pee. In the snow. Why is there pee? Didn't I tell you guys to tell Fletch and he will take you to a bathroom? Vivi ate it." Alice grumbled.

"None of us...wait that means that-" Ellion started and stood up.

"There's someone on the mountain with us." Alice finished for him.

"Someone, or something." He counteracted and her blood froze over. What could possibly be on the mountain wi-

There was a low guttural growl

Shiz. Sugar. Shitaki mushrooms. It was right next to them. Right above them. She tugged on Ellion's sleeve.

"Ell, it's there. It's Stiles in his supernatural form." She said and he frowned. "It's a freaking abominable snowman!"

"Oh shi-" he didn't even have time to curse before he pushed her out of the way of it's swiping claws and yelled to the others. "Guy's! It's a yeti!"

This is literally the worst place to fight a yeti." Alice called out and prepared her fire magic to burn it to death Ellion grabbed her hand.

"No, the fire will melt the snow and cause an avalanche. Moving anything will disturb the snow and cause an avalanche. Your water will do nothing. Do you think you can explode its atoms before it attacks us?" her boyfriend asked her.

"That's too complicated. I don't think I could." She stuttered back. He now had to draw his sword to block the Yeti's claws coming for them. It was pushing them to the side of the ledge they were resting on. The others were crowding around wondering how they could help. Valkyrie and Dexter both shot twin streams at the monster and it roared in fury as it's flesh sizzled. It lunged and roared so loud Alice jumped and took a step back almost falling off the ledge were it not for Ellion who dragged her toward him and pulled her to duck as it swiped again.

"I believe in you." He said. "Go, Alice, now!"

She focused her magic on its molecular structure and used it to see how everything fit together. How every little atom connected with the other. And then she slipped her magic into the gaps and made it expand. Made it explode outward. And so did the yeti. It exploded into nothing around them with one final roar.

"Alice, you did it." Ellion sighed and put away his sword. But she didn't have the strength to talk. She just sagged down against him in the snow and closed her eyes. "Hey, Allie? Alisson! Are you okay?"

She just nodded and managed to breathe out, "Tired."

"It's okay. I've got you."

"Is everyone okay?" Skulduggery called from where he had ventured ahead to check for a safer route.

"No. Alice is drained," Ellion replied.

"But apart from that everyone's fine," Valkyrie answered. "It was a yeti."

"A yeti?" Skulduggery said as if he were raising an eyebrow. Then he began scanning all the rock walls under the snow. Checking every crevice.

"What's he doing?" Tanith asked.

"He's checking for a secret opening to a cave," Dexter answered.

"Why?" she asked.

"The last time we encountered yeti on a snowy mountain there were two and they almost bit my head off. Ghastly's freak mask saved my pretty head. But the point is, they were guarding something. Lament's secret facility. So if yeti were used to guard that, they might have been put here on purpose to ward people off from the sacred cave." Valkyrie explained.

"We probably went past one of those magic sensor things Skulduggery was talking about earlier and let it out from its cage."

"So we're close," Tanith concluded.

"We're close." Skulduggery nodded. Alice moaned in satisfaction and lazily failed at pumping her fist in the air at the delight of leaving the snowy mountain.

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