Run? Run.

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It was still dark and freezing cold when Vivi woke to Alice shaking her shoulder, a blanket draped around herself as flimsy protection from the unforgiving weather. "Do me a favour and look up Vivi." Alice told her. "What do you see?"

"Stars." Viviana Vixen smiled.

"And what does that mean, Viv?" Valkyrie smirked bitterly from behind Alice, layering on her clothes.

"Well, it tells us that we are a very small insignificant part of an infinite universe!" Vivi exclaimed with a proud expression.

"No, it means someone took our tent, idiot!" Valkyrie rasped violently.

"Better wake the boys. Maybe Dex will know what to do." Alice sighed.

"This would have been much more satisfying to see them wake of their own accord, but beggars can't be choosers, I guess." Valkyrie shrugged and poked Dexter's face and yelled for him to wake up. He didn't stir so instead she beckoned Alice over and lifted the sleeping bag so the boys were upright and being held up by the three sisters. "Okay get ready to yell as loud as you can, 'Ellion likes Dexter's abbs'. Got it?"

The younger two nodded. "Okay, now!" Valkyrie shook her head eagerly.

"ELION LIKES DEXTER'S ABBS!" the trio screamed into the boys' ears. Each of the two woke with a start to see the other's face right up close and they realized they were cuddling with each other. In a hurry and shock to scramble away, they both attempted to dive backward in different directions and the girls moved away to see both be tugged back by the sleeping bag around them and they collapsed onto the floor in a tangled mess.

"I...I do not like Dexter's abbs." Ellion stuttered, his face flushed.

"Rude!" Dexter muttered. "I wouldn't blame you if you did. They seem to be the main feature of interest to the girls and Saracen's always had a thing for them."

The man shook their heads and frowned, forgetting what had just happened. "Wait, what?" they both exclaimed and struggled with the zipped to get out of the bag. The girls rolled around with laughter, clutching their stomachs.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Valkyrie gasped out. "That was priceless!"

"Haha, very funny, you three." Ellion rolled his eyes.

"At least one of you can't resist my charms," Dexter smirked at the younger boy which made the girls laugh even harder. Then Dexter noticed that the tent was missing and frowned. The laughter and joy of the moment disappeared leaving them to grumble in the cold once again.

"Where'd the tent go?" Ellion asked.

"That is what we'd like to know." Valkyrie snapped.

"It's like the top was just..." Dexter started and froze as he looked up. "Ripped off!"

"Definitely ripped off." Ellion nodded and instinctively pulled Alice behind him, clutching her hand. An enormous leathery and feathery shadow loomed over them with the fabric of their tent clutched in its clawed hand. Its citrus eyes glared down at them.

"Shit, what is that thing?!" Alice shrieked.

"That, my dear Alice, is what we call a monster. Now shut up before it comes over here and eats us." Valkyrie gulped and shared eye contact with Dexter for a moment. "Run?"

"Run." He nodded.

The Descendants; The Founders (Dexyrie fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now