Day 17; Eavesdropping

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"It's good to be rid of that guy." Valkyrie said as they left the dungeons.

"Tell me about it! Faeces is so annoying!" Alice rolled her eyes.

"I think I like 'Ugg the 16th century neanderthal' better." Ellion laughed.

"Man, that guy's such a creep." Dexter shuddered. "Always going on about 'my wife' this, and 'conceive my children' that."

"I know! If he weren't so headstrong and sexist I might have given it a chance." Valkyrie said and smirked mischievously with a glance in Dexter's direction.

"What?! No way, you're kidding, right?" Dexter snorted.

"Did you knock your head or something?" Alice gawked at her sister.

"Look, you gotta admit he'd be hot after a shower and a shave." Valkyrie nodded. "And dayum, did you see those muscles? I'd double-tap that."

"Are you being serious?" Dexter asked her, frowning.

"Yeah, the guy looked like he was born and raised in a gym." Valkyrie prattled on, knowing she'd struck a nerve with the muscle thing. "Nice jawline, too."

Dexter involuntarily lifted a hand to his own jaw. 'What's wrong with my jawline?' he seemed to be asking himself and Alice laughed, earning a glare from Dexter. Then Tanith came bounding around the corner, breathing hard and blonde curls flying.

"Val, I really need to talk to you. I've been waiting to get the mission out of the way so I'm not clouding anything in your mind and you can, ya know, detect stuff. But now I really need to tell you. Something happened last night." Tanith said, her eyes wide and hopeful.

Valkyrie looked to Dexter, Ellion and Alice. "You all go on, we'll catch up with you later to discuss tomorrow night's Halloween party. We'll meet you at the pub in a few hours."

They all nodded and Alice inwardly frowned, wondering what was so important and secretive that Tanith couldn't even tell her own nephew. "You go ahead. I'm going to go to the bathroom and then check up on the seamstresses to see how my protective clothes are coming along. Then I think I'm going to help Sapphire and Ophelia for a while, catch up with the old friends, ya know." She lied to her boyfriend and Dexter.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Ellion smiled at her and leaned down. Alice had to stand on her tip-toes to meet his lips with hers and moved her hand to his cheek.

"You're too tall." She laughed when they broke apart, fireworks still exploding inside her.

"What can I say, I got my father's height and my mother's everything else." He shrugged.

"Not everything else, surely." She replied.

"Okay, maybe not everything else. But a lot." Ellion hugged her and then she stepped away and waved to Dexter, Tanith, and her older sister as she left in the opposite direction to the boys and hid behind a corner, waiting and then listening to Tanith's voice as it echoes slightly off the cold concrete and stone.

Tanith launched into her tale of what happened and when she was done Valkyrie was silent. "What do you think it could mean, Val?"

"Well, I think we both know what it means Tanith. Let's just hope we're both wrong." Valkyrie gulped. "Do you want to go visit Ghastly's grave?"

"Yeah," Tanith replied and the sound of their footsteps died away. Alice relaxed and frowned as she leaned her cheek against the wall.

"You're too curious for your own good, you know that?" Ellion said from behind her and became visible again and Alice jumped and cursed.

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