The tent

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 "HALLELUJAH!" Valkyrie cried out as a gust of crisp, cold wind gushed into the tunnels from an opening. The sky was mesmerizing after so long in the deep dark rocky world below. The stars were glittering jewels woven into the fabric of an inky-blue blanket.

"We're finally out of that horrid place! Alice exclaimed in relief as the rock beneath their feet gradually was replaced with fresh, soft, green grass and rich soil. All around them was a green forest thriving in its own secluded environment where the wind was cool and the sun did not beat down on them like the desert where there would be no shade to obstruct the glare of its rays.

"Well, we know it's night now. Our second night in this dimension. That means we have just under 48 hours or less until we're expected to be at the rendezvous point." Ellion offered up the information that they had all been calculating.

"We'll know exactly by morning. Sun should start to come up at around 6 here. Then we can time how long it's been precisely with the stopwatch China packed for us." Dexter said and rummaged in the large backpack Valkyrie had dropped. "There's a tent in here somewhere."

"A tent? How the hell did a tent fit in that?" Ellion gawked.

"It's a miniature tent. China said that if Alice tried she'd be able to copy the molecular structure in a larger scale." Dexter explained.

"Are you sure she's strong enough to do that?" Ellion asked cautiously.

"Of course I can. It just might take some time to put together." Alice nodded confidently.

"Aha! Here it is." Dexter grunted and pulled out a miniature tent. He handed it over to Alice and she inspected it.

"Yeah, I can do it. We should probably find a campsite first thought. Some flat ground away from the tunnels in case something follows us out." She recommended.

"Okay, let's go then." Vivi darted off and climbed a tree, swinging from a thick, hanging root-vine and hollering like Tarzan before flipping onto another tree branch.

"Get down from there, Vivi. You'll lead whatever monsters are out here straight to us." Alice chastised the teen and she spun off another hanging root, dropping to the ground beside the others.

They walked until they found a flat clearing in the woods. Ellion, Vivi and Dexter scoured the surrounding area for any firewood, logs and creatures. Valkyrie watched over Alice as she sank into a trance, her magic weaving the tent from thin air slowly, atom by atom. After she was done, Alice planned to grown thorned bushes around their clearing to stop regular animals from bothering them. There wasn't much she could do for the monsters that were undoubtedly lurking in the shadows.

When Vivi and the boys returned to the camp base the tent was up and ready to go. Alice had been generous and even added in three sleeping bags and a few blankets. Vivi pulled out some pillows from a portal while Alice grew a boarder of heavily thorned branches around their camp. Valkyrie lit a fire with the sticks Vivi had brought and they gathered around on logs the boys had carried over. Alice grew tired from using her magic so much and she leant against Ellion.

"So what do you think, love? Do I have great muscles too?" he asked her jokingly and flexed.

Alice laughed and snuggled closer. "I don't care how many muscles you have, I like you just the way you are." She murmured into his side and he kissed her forehead and rested his chin on top of her head.

"I like you the way you are too." He whispered. Valkyrie smiled at her sister, proud of her and admiring her relationship with Ellion.

"Yeah, I like you just the way you are too, Valkyrie." Dexter flirted and winked at her. Despite her flushing cheeks and butterflies in her stomach she glared laughed and pretended not to care.

"I'm sure your wife likes you just the way you are as well, muscle man." She said softly. Dexter didn't respond to that.

"I am so fifth wheeling right now." Vivi snapped into teenager mode and rolled her eyes. "I'm going to bed."

With that Vivi got up and left. They could hear the zipper of the tent as she opened the entrance and closed it behind her again. It became very awkward all of a sudden, as Vivi pointed out what none of them had wanted to admit.

"We're going to go to bed too, now. Goodnight, you guys." Alice said and straightened up.

"We are?" Ellion frowned. Alice elbowed him and he gasped. "We are. Goodnight, you two."

The other two teens disappeared into the tent and Dexter and Valkyrie were alone.

The Descendants; The Founders (Dexyrie fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now