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Vivi was happy. Happy and murderous. Alice was shocked. Shocked and scared. Ellion was excited. Excited and fearful. Valkyrie was so done with this shit. So done with this shit and nervous. Dexter was worried. Worried and flipping terrified.

"We're going to get to kill people!" Vivi squealed in happiness

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"We're going to get to kill people!" Vivi squealed in happiness.

"We have to go into a dimension with people who will most likely want to either dob us in out of fear or kill us out of maniacy?" Alice gawked at China, who had just told them the news in her office.

"We get to go into a whole other inhabitable dimension!" Ellion exclaimed.

"I'm so done with this shit," Valkyrie stated. "I hate that place and it hates me. I'm sure I ever went back they'd put an arrow through my head."

"I have to go with her?!" Dexter looked like he was soiling himself with an apprehensive glance at Valkyrie, who was glaring at him profoundly.

"'Her' has a name, you know." Valkyrie hissed.

"Okay then, I have to go with this fire-breathing warrior!?" Dexter yelled, looking straight at Valkyrie.

"Well maybe I wouldn't be fire-breathing if you had told me you were married before you kissed me!" Valkyrie screeched.

"Well maybe I wouldn't be fire-breathing if you had told me you were married before you kissed me!" Valkyrie screeched

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"Maybe I wouldn't have kissed you if I knew you were this soft and fussy!" Dexter retorted.

"SOFT? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH YOU WRETCH! I'M NOT SOME SOLDIER HARDENED BY YEARS OF WAR LIKE YOU ALL ARE! I'M ONLY IN MY THIRTIES AND I HVE SEEN HORRORS UNIMAGINABLE! THINGS HAVE HAPPENED TO ME, FAR WORSE THAN WHAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO YOU!" Valkyrie jabbed at his chest, her eyes ablaze and wide with seething anger. She felt that words stab her hear and sear into her mind. Soft. She hated the insult. After everything she'd been through he had the nerve!

"Take a chill pill, babe." Dexter put his hands up in surrender, realizing he'd overstepped a boundary. He felt the urge to apologize and hold her close but he couldn't. He shouldn't. He wasn't. He had commitments. He wouldn't do that anymore.

"You," she spat and pointed her finger right in-between his eyes. "Don't get to call me that. Find your wife and call her that."

"Whatever you say, princess." He whispered and looked away from the hurt he'd caused her and cursed himself. He wished it could be different but it couldn't. He couldn't have both Valkyrie and Alessia. And he'd chosen Alessia long ago. But that was before you knew Valkyrie, he pointed out to himself. But that didn't matter?! He loved Alessia. Alessia. No one else. At least that was what he told himself, but a deeper part of him knew it wasn't that simple.

"Good lord, if you leave that reality in one piece I'll be astonished." China rolled her eyes and fanned her face. "Now get out, I need to make arrangements with Creyfon Signate. Don't murder each other in the meantime. You have appointments with my personal tailors in an hour in the gym so don't be late. We need you to blend in."

The Descendants; The Founders (Dexyrie fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now