Day 25; Stolen

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"It's not here!" Andena yelled in shock.

"We can see that!" Tanith shouted back, eyes wide.

"How can someone steal something that big?" Vivi marvelled with admiration. "I've always wanted to know how to do that!"

"Forget how they got it out, how'd they now where it was?!" Saracen gawked.

"Guys, we need to figure something out fast before she explodes again." Valkyrie said, watching her little sister that lay in Skulduggery's arms closely.

"Well how can we delay it until we can get the machine back?" Tanith asked.

"We need to keep her calm and shut her mind down. The only way to do that would be to induce a coma. That's what kept the Unnamed trapped in the first place." Skulduggery said.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Valkyrie frowned.

"It could be, but it'd be even more dangerous to leave her conscious." Skulduggery tilted his head.

"Okay, what do we do?" Saracen asked.

"Fletcher will take her to the Sanctuary. Then we need to find out who stole the machine and how to get it back." Skulduggery passed Alice on to Fletcher but the boy couldn't carry her so he looked to Anton. The man nodded and carried Alice while Fletcher teleported them all away to the medical wing.

"I know who did it!" Vivi exclaimed, hopping up and down with her hand raised in the air. "Oh, pick me! Pick me!

"Yes, Vivi?" Saracen grinned at her.

"It was Hansard Kray!" she smiled proudly.

"Okay, anyone else?" Valkyrie asked, rolling her eyes.

"Ooh, pick me, pick me!" Dexter jumped and twisted his legs as if he needed to use the bathroom. "It was Hansard Kray!"

"Okay, anyone who doesn't have something against my boyfriend?" Valkyrie rolled her eyes at him but couldn't stop the smile from spreading.

"Vivi, what makes you say it was Hansard?" Skulduggery asked the girl. "Valkyrie hush, I have my own suspicions. He disappeared right before things started going wrong and no one saw him leave. I saw Ellion following him as well. I think we should listen to her."

"This is absurd!" Valkyrie protested.

"I know because the voices in my head told me he did it." Vivi beamed.

"Any reliable sources?" Valkyrie hissed back.

"Well, there's the voices and that driver's license under that table with his name and picture on it." Vivi smiled innocently and Valkyrie gawked at her, bending over and scrambling. There was indeed Hansard Kray's driver's license and Valkyrie sagged.

"Really? Why?" Valkyrie groaned. "My new boyfriend's the bad guy?"

"I don't wanna say I told you so...but how about I knew it from the second I saw him that he was exactly like his father." Dexter shrugged and she glared at him. "I'm sorry, Val."

"It's not your fault I have terrible taste in guys, no offense to Fletch." She sighed.

"That I agree with." He nudged her shoulder playfully.

"Are you still drunk?" she asked.

"What? I was drunk? That explains why I can't remember much of the party. What did I do? I didn't start dancing on tables or anything, did I?" he frowned.

"No, but you did sing 'Hello' by Adele at the karaoke station." She laughed. "Maybe if there wasn't a crisis you would have gone on to dance on tables. I was right though, wasn't I? There was a crisis at a short notice. And now we're all stuck in these dresses and suits."

"Yeah, but you're just a very pessimistic person." Dexter poked her side. "I like to be positive."

"You can be positive, I'll be realistic." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"When you two are quite finished, we do have a larger matter at hand." Skulduggery did that thing with his head that meant he was amused.

"Okay, so we go to their house or wherever they live," Valkyrie said.

"They live in a castle." Dexter pointed out.

"What is up with these villains and their castles!" Tanith gasped.

"They're evil. Do you really want to try to understand what goes on in their heads?" Ghastly asked.

"Not particularly." She tilted her head.

"So, do you know where this castle is?" Dexter asked Valkyrie.

"How should I know?" She pulled a face.

"Well, you did date the guy." He laughed.

"Is that your subtle way of asking whether he took me over to his house? Well, the answer is no. I have no clue where he lives."

"Well, we need Fletcher with us so he can teleport us and the machine out." Skulduggery suggested and Ghastly called the teleporter. He appeared with Anton before Ghastly could hang up.

"Alice put up a bit of a struggle but they eventually got her to fall into her coma. Where are we going?" Fletcher asked.

"To a castle and no one knows where it is," Tanith answered.

"Goody. Sounds like a blast." Fletcher grinned.

"It's time to call China," Saracen said.

"I'll do it." Skulduggery offered and stepped away to speak.

"I ship it," Saracen whispered.

"What? You ship Skulduggery and China?" Valkyrie gaped.

"Not bad, actually." Tanith nodded appreciatively.

"I know right, I've been thinking that ever since I first saw them interact with each other." Vivi squealed.

"I guess." Valkyrie laughed a little.

"Well with their past, even if they did like each other, I don't think it'd go anywhere. Neither has small enough ego to admit someone who isn't themselves means everything to them." Dexter told them.

"Yeah, that's more likely," Saracen admitted. "But still, it'd be cute."

Skulduggery came back over and they all shut up. "Okay, we're leaving. I know where it is."

"To the barbie van!" Vivi shrieked and made a whooshing sound effect as she hobbled off with her arms out like superman.

The Descendants; The Founders (Dexyrie fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now