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So I'm going away for four days and I'm not sure if I'm going to have an internet connection or not.

"So, what now? It's dark out." Ellion asked and pointed out the window to the full moon hiding partially behind clouds shaped like skeletal hands.

"Wake Val up," Tanith said to Dexter and he nudged the sleeping girl on his shoulder. "I think we all agree it'd be best to put you in charge."

"I agree," Valkyrie said sleepily when she woke and pointed to Tanith. "Wait who are we talking about?"

"You," Ghastly replied.

"Me? Why me? You or Dexter, or Saracen or even Tanith would be much more suited. You've all experienced war before."

"So have you." Dexter pointed out. "You're not a little girl anymore, Val. And you are a Dead Man. If we were to bring the team back together. Which we should really do."

"But you guys have been doing this for so long and you're all a lot older than me." She argued.

"None of us have been trained by Skulduggery." Saracen pointed out.

"Fine. Now does anyone want to tell the 'leader' what to do next?" she said, her words laced with sass.

"We know that you know what you're doing, Val. So, tell us, what next?" Dexter helped her up off the floor and she looked around at her team.

"Let's take a stroll around the village." She sighed and she didn't mention it again but she felt someone watching her. 

The Descendants; The Founders (Dexyrie fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now