Can an Evil Genius Crash on Your Couch for a Few Days?

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Everyone was asleep in Tails's shack. You were on the couch, Tails was on another, and Sonic was sleeping on the floor near your couch. It had taken quite a bit of bickering, but Sonic eventually got you to admit defeat and sleep on the couch. He was pretty proud of himself.

While you dreamt, you started to hear a soft knocking noise. It became louder and louder but soon stopped. Luckily, you hadn't awoken. You were close to doing so, but the knocking hadn't been enough.

Sonic, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. The knocking woke him up and he zipped over to the door, which was the only reason why the ruckus ceased. He was pretty displeased to see Eggman standing outside.

"What do you want?" Sonic asked, annoyance evident in his sleepy voice.

"First of all," Eggman started, and a bit loudly too, "thank you for answering the door at such a late hour. I realize what an inconvenience this must be-"

"Get to it, Eggface." Sonic snapped before Eggman could finish his thought.

"Well, I need your help."

"You need my help?"

"Yes. My sinister island lair... You know, the ultra-high-tech stronghold where I hatch my diabolical schemes to eliminate you." Sonic eyes narrowed while Eggman continued.
"It was destroyed in the storm. I was hoping I could crash with you and Tails for a few days until my robots rebuild it? Please! Don't strand me in this wilderness!" By now, he was practically begging at Sonic's feet. Sonic could've swore he saw tears....fake ones at that.

"Well, you could certainly use a roof over your head." Sonic unfortunately got a quick whiff of the man before adding, "And a bath."

Glaring at the human male, Sonic quickly remembered to be cautious of the man, asking, "But how do I know you won't just capture me and Tails while we're sleeping?"

"I swear not to harm you or your fox friend during my stay. I didn't even bring any weapons. Here, check my pants." Eggman offered, but Sonic immediately stopped him, saying, "No no no. It's okay. I believe you. So it's only for a few days and it's just you?"

"Just me!" Eggman smiled, to which Sonic gestured him in. Eggman entered as his two bots, Orbot and Cubot, followed. "And Orbot and Cubot. They're family!"

Sonic groaned as he shut the door. This, however, woke you up. You murmured a bit, catching the attention of the guys. "Great. Look what you did Egghead." Sonic moaned. "You woke (Y/N)."

"Oops. Terribly sorry." Eggman said flatly. "Wait, isn't that the girl from today?"

"Yes, it is, and she was having a good rest to help her feel better." Sonic replied as he approached you. "Are you feeling any better?"

To answer his question, you let out a small sneeze. After jumping into the icy waters, you ended up getting a cold. It wasn't too strong, but it was enough to make it so you weren't yourself.

Sonic sighed whilst smiling at you in sympathy. "Do you need anything?"

"No Sonic." You whispered, your voice coarse.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, now go to bed."

"Why don't you?" He smirked at you before covering you back up with your three blankets, to which you hummed in content. "Go sleep wherever Eggman, but not in my room."

"Okay." Eggman yawned as he and his robots disappeared into another place in the shack.

As Sonic laid back down, he heard you sneeze again. Frowning, he lightly grabbed your hand that you had rested over the side of the couch before falling asleep without any further interruption.

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