To Slow a Hedgehog Down

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(A/N: Finally. I think I'm finally back to this book. Behold, the longest chapter I have ever written for this book, being about 4,200 words and being of 8 whole pages in length on Notability. This is an original chapter, not an episode, just to try to get back into the swing of things. Thank you so much for everyone's patience, and thank you so much to aloha-ahiahi for inspiring me to get back to this book. Also, go check out her new Sonic Boom x Reader, which also made me want to update this.)

Being yet another nice and sunny day on the island, seeing as how bad weather was apparently a very rare occurrence, the gang decided to pursue a leisurely game of beach volleyball just outside Sonic's shack. When not fighting, it was actually very common for the group of heroes to participate in athletic activities. It was something about keeping up both their stamina and their fitness, as well as something about keeping their burning desires for activity and challenges in check.

So, beach volleyball? Yes, sir. Soccer, or football as the gang occasionally called it? A very frequent choice. Simple games like Cornhole or Frisbee or Gopherball? A little more of an occasional thing, but still, the answer was a yes. If it was a leisurely game, enjoyable, and easy enough to pull off, then by all means, the gang was doing it.

But that was the thing. The problem every single freaking time was the leisurely factor. No, the games being of a leisurely nature wasn't the issue. In fact, it was the ironically rare commodity that everyone continued to yearn for in those circumstances. No, the real problem was that these leisurely games were never, in fact, leisurely, and there was always one person who was the really issue. One person, and one person alone.

Every single time the gang set up a game, Sonic always had to be the winner. He always had to have the ball in his possession. He always had to make the game revolve around him and his speed, never letting anyone actually take their well-deserved break. You loved your hedgehog boyfriend to death, but you swore, if he ruined a game one more time, you were going to beat his speedy, competitive spirit right out of him without mercy.

And sure enough, he ruined another game right before your very eyes.

Sticks performed a perfect set, allowing Knuckles to leap into the air and spike the ball downwards on your team's side of the sandy court. "I got it!" You called out, getting into ready position and preparing to bump the spinning volleyball heading in your general direction. However, just before the ball could make contact with your forearms, the now distasteful sight of a blue blue suddenly snapped into sight.

You watched as Sonic stole the bump, zipped over to where Amy was standing, further took the set from her, then spun into the air to spike the ball. Everyone, with their eyes half-lidded with boredom and frowns of dismay, watched as the ball made rough contact with the sand on the other side of the net. A wave of sand went flying into the air, luckily not making it into the eyes of Knuckles, Sticks, and Tails as they covered their faces just in time.

"Ha! Score!" The blue hedgehog sneered triumphantly, standing with his his fists against his hips and a snarky smirk of victory on his face. The gang let out a collective groan, which had no effect on Sonic.

Having ruined his last peaceful game, you gathered Knuckles, Amy, Sticks, and Tails to have a small meeting at Amy's house. Personally, you had only been in there a few times before, but you felt a strange wave of calmness and peace wash over you every time. "Seriously, Amy. I really do love your shack." You told her with a genuine smile.

"Thanks, (Y/N)!" She smiled back. "Nice to know someone else appreacites my interior decorating skills." Slowly, you were starting to like Amy more and more, but you knew the two of you would never become close friends. After all, you were dating Sonic, the one she had been crushing on relentlessly for years.

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