Translate This!

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You, Sonic, and Amy were relaxing on those beach chairs underneath an umbrella. Well, those two were. You were out in the sunlight getting a tan. Close to the three of you were Knuckles and Sticks, who were playing volleyball.

"There's nothing like a lazy day on the beach." Sonic smiled, eyes lightly shut.

"You can say that again." You adjusted your black sunglasses.

"It's nice to breathe in that beautiful saltwater air and relax." Sticks said with a sigh. "For the first time, I feel totally stress-free."

"Hey, guys!" You heard Tails call from nearby, which caused Sticks to scream.

Removing your glasses, you sat upright as you watched Tails push something covered by a cloth across the sand.

"I just perfected my most brilliant invention yet." Tails smiled. "Meet UT, the Universal Translator. Designed to translate any language into our own." He removed the cloth to reveal a small robot. You glanced at the unimpressed looks of Sonic, Amy, and Sticks with a small frown. "Allow me to demonstrate!"

Tails pointed to some baby birds in their nearby nest, whom were being fed by their mother. UT scanned the birds for a moment before turning around and translated, "The fact that you pre-chew my food is repulsive."

"Hey!" Knuckles claimed whilst chuckling. "It works!"

"Didn't see that one coming." UT read.

"Um, it's still talking?" Knuckles asked, clearly just as confused as you were.

"I thought this thing only translated birds." The robot claimed.

"Since what you're saying doesn't need to be translated, UT is translating it into what you really mean!" Tails explained.

"I didn't intend for it to do that, but I will gladly accept full credit." UT said.

"That's great, Tails!" Amy smiled, though you could tell it was false.

Your suspicions were confirmed when UT translated her thoughts. "Pretty lame."

"That's not what I was thinking at all." She retorted.

"Obviously you were." You replied flatly.

"Seriously, how dumb can she get?" UT translated your thoughts, causing you to glare at the robot.

"Tails? I think it need some work." Amy said, glaring intensely at you.

"If that thing doesn't shut its metal trap, I think I might die."

"Tails, if this robot goes around reading people's minds, then that's a severe invasion of privacy." You brought up.

"I don't want this robot to spill what I do before bed." UT translated. You blushed, thinking about all the x Readers you read every night before bed. It addiction, shall we say. Your blush darkened when Sonic looked at you skeptically, causing you to quickly look away. He smirked.

"Wait, this thing reads minds?" Sticks asked. UT translated, but repeated what Sticks had said.

"Get it out of my head!" She screamed, to which UT relayed the message. Enraged, Sticks pulled out her boomerang to attack UT, but Knuckles restrained her from doing so.

"Now, now! Calm down Sticks!" He said.

"Take it easy, whack-job." UT said.

"Hey!" Sticks objected, to which UT said, "I am displeased."

"Don't be offended, Sticks." Sonic began. "Knuckles didn't mean to think that."

"He's not the sharpest tool in the shed." UT translated, to which Knuckles growled in annoyance.

Sonic Boom x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now