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2/3/18 - 2/13/18

(Oh my lord, this one is super long!!!! 😅 omfg, just about 3,700 words....)

"It all comes down to this final toss for the young echidna from Angel Island." Tails spoke into a pinecone, which he used as a substitute for a microphone, as Knuckles finished stretching in the background. "He'll need a score greater than four to take the championship."

You watched as Knuckles picked up Sonic and begin swinging hm in circles to gain momentum. "Can he do it?" Tails continued. "Can he score a four? The crowd is on their feet!"

"Can you get one with it already?" Amy asked monotonously as she tapped her foot in impatience.

"Not to agree, but I'm getting bored." You added from where you sat on the ground.

Knuckles released Sonic and sent him flying into the tree, which knocked down only three coconuts. "Denied!" Tails cried out. "Three coconuts is not quite four."

"Look!" Sticks yelled, pouting to the top of the small tree. Everyone, aside from Amy, held their breath as their eyes came to rest upon a single coconut that gently jiggled back and forth. Amy let out a yawn, which was interrupted by a small shriek as the coconut fell and hit her in the head.

Sonic and Knuckles laughed in relief, chest-bumping each other. "They've done it!" Tails cheered. "They've done the impossible! The team of Knuckles & Sonic has bested the team of Sonic & Knuckles!"

"Wait a minute!" Amy cried out in disbelief. "You were playing against yourselves!?"

"No!" Knuckles replied. "Weren't you listening? We beat Sonic & Knuckles." He pointed at his nose, yelling, "In your face, Knuckles!"

"Well that has to be the biggest plot twist I've ever seen." You stated, which was followed by a snarky, "And probably the most anti-climatic one too."

Suddenly, a huge shadow looked over the beach. Looking up, everyone saw a huge mass of dark grey clouds formed above, and a small, bright light shone out from the middle. Eggman flew out of the mass in his Eggmobile, yelling, "Behold, rodents! And the human...." You rolled your eyes with a growl. "Prepare to meet the most fearsome destructive force ever to grace this, or any other world!" He motioned to the mass of clouds.

Everyone stared in confusion at the clouds, only receiving a small whirring sound from the whole ordeal. "It'll be just a minute. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves." Eggman said before resuming his previous position of motioning towards the clouds. He waited a few more seconds before continuing, "It'll be just a few more seconds, I assure you!"

Sitting in silence once more, Sonic hummed to himself awkwardly before a loud noise was heard. "Ah! Here it is now!" Eggman exclaimed. "This. Is. Cowbot!" From the clouds flew a huge robot that had both the shape and color scheme of a real cow.

"It's a cow." Amy stated the obvious.

"It's a cowbot!" Eggman snapped. The gang, including yourself, began to laugh hysterically. "What? What's so funny?" Eggman demanded.

"Cowbot?" Sonic asked in disbelief. "That has to be the lamest thing you've ever come up with!"

"Not true!" Eggman whined. "There was Spoonbot and Mathbot, and who can forget Lamebot! Wait, what am I saying?" Eggman caught himself in the middle of a stupid conversation.

"Yeah." Sonic sighed.

"Forgot about that one." Amy stated.

"My breakfast is plotting to kill me." Sticks said out of nowhere, which caused everyone to look at her strangely.

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