The Meteor

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"Sonic! (Y/N)!" Tails called from outside. You and Sonic, who were in the middle of making cookies, turned to face the ecstatic fox as he ran through the doorway. "You won't believe what I just found out!"

"Easy, tiger." Sonic chuckled.

You giggled. "What is it, Tails?"

"There's going to be a meteor shower tonight!" Tails was practically wiggling in excitement. You noticed him even bite his lip as a huge grin came to his face. "And this ones gonna be extra colorful!"

You laughed. "You're gushing so much, Tails. It's cute."

He chuckled and looked away bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry. Meteor showers are just so fascinating!"

Sonic smirked. "Sounds like you need a pretty girl to take on a date to watch meteor showers."

You lightly hit his arm as he chuckled. "Hey, meteor showers can be rather romantic. Don't make fun of Tails."

"Relax." Sonic groaned. "You take everything too seriously."

You stuck your tongue out at him before approaching the yellow fox. You handed him a small ball of raw cookie dough, saying, "Don't listen to him. You don't need a girl to enjoy a meteor shower."

"I-I know that!" He replied with an awkward smile. "Anyways, you guys wanna watch it with me?"

"Of course!" You beamed with a small squeal. "I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Sweet!" Tails smiled. "I'll come tell you guys later tonight when it's about to happen. See ya!" And with that, the energetic fox dashed out the door to go tell the others.

"I've never seen you so excited about anything before." Sonic smiled at you. You turned to face him with a look of shock. "What?"

"How are you not excited about a meteor shower?" You gasped dramatically, placing your hand over your heart. "Meteor showers are one of the most beautiful events in nature! Not only are they super mesmerizing, but they're so romantic!" You began to twirl around the room, a bright smile on your face. "Just imagine dancing with someone you love under a veil of colorful meteors and shooting stars! It'd be like living in a fantasy!"

Sonic smiled warmly at you, intently listening to you the entire time as you gushed and twirled. He leaned against the counter, completely ignoring the cookie dough, as he rested his chin on his palm. When you stopped talking, your eyes widened in realization as a huge blush came to your cheeks. "Sorry." You laughed nervously. "Got a little too excited, I guess."

Sonic held his smile as he motioned for you to go over to him with his index finger. A blush still evident in your face, you walked over to him. You stood at the opposite end of the counter, standing directly across from Sonic. He leaned over the counter, placing a passionate kiss on your lips. He pulled away, whispering, "You're cute when you fangirl."

You scoffed as a smile graced your lips. "Whatever." You walked to the other side of the counter and stood beside him as you tried to finish the rest of the cookies. Key word, tried. Sonic wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. He also kept kissing your cheek. "Stop." You giggled.

He murmured a small 'no' as he turned you to face him and smashed his lips onto yours. Well, it looks like the cookies aren't gonna get done anytime soon....


The cookies eventually got done, but it was practically nighttime by that point. Now, you were sitting out under the stars with the gang, watching the meteors descend. Colorful meteors rained down from the sky, illuminating the sky with a variety of gorgeous colors. "This is beautiful." You said with a smile.

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