Unlucky Knuckles

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2/22/18 & 10/21/18 (omfg look at that time skip 😳)

"(Y/N)!" Sonic whispered in your ear.

You slowly opened your eyes with a yawn. Leaning to the side as you stretched, you gasped when you rolled off the hammock and fell onto the floorboards. Sonic laughed.

"What is it, brat?" You grumbled.

"Aw, don't be like that!" He whined, but you knew it was fake when you caught a glimpse of his smirk. "That's no way to treat your boyfriend!"

"Waking me up early is no way to treat your girlfriend either, so I guess the feeling's mutual."

"Oh, so that's no way to treat you? What about this?" Sonic chuckled as he grabbed your ankles and pulled underneath the hammock over to the side he stood at. He hoisted you up and held you over his shoulder as he sped off without a second's warning.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, fool!" You shrieked, now fully awake.

"You know you enjoy this!"

You gave a firm tug on his ear, cashing him to wince. "Just like how you enjoyed that? And I can walk, you know!"

"But you're so slow!" He whined, but he set you down anyway.

"Oh, shut it, hedgehog. You can afford to take a little extra time to walk with the girl you love. Or do you not care?" You smirked, pinching his cheek out of playfulness.

"You know I care! I've made this very clear." He smirked back. He lightly took your hand and held it up to his mouth as he placed a gentle kiss on the back of your hand.

"Wow. Very gentlemanly." You rolled your eyes with a smile.

"Oh, you know it!" He quickly pulled you close and smashed his lips onto yours. You giggled into the kiss when you heard Sonic quietly growl. He gently bit your bottom lip before pulling away, which actually left you in shock. "Was that better, princess?~"

"Sh-Shut up!" You blushed. "Let's just keep going!"

Sonic quickly lifted you up and held you bridal style as he began to run once more. "What happened to walking?"

"Yeah.... I was actually bringing you with me to a game I promised I would play with Knuckles, so we're pressed for time."

"I almost made you late." You smirked.

"Me? Late? Ha!" He chuckled as he sped off even faster.


"Who's gonna take it downtown?" Knuckles places the gopherball on the tee. "Knuckles, that's who!" He turned to Sonic with a smirk. "Gonna pour Sonic a hurt-tonic! And the pain is gonna be chronic!"

"Okay, we get it." Sonic glared as he got ready to flip the coin.

"Tails!" Knuckles shouted. You watch as the red echidna turned to Tails. "Tails, you flip it. Not sure I trust this guy...."

Sonic let out a small growl as Tails flipped the coin in the air. Knuckles called heads, but when Tails caught it and flipped it over onto his wrist, it showed tails. "Lucky." Knuckles grumbled.

With a small smirk on his face, Sonic tossed the gopherball into the air and hit it with his club. It flew right into the hole at the top of a far away hill and rolled down the underground tunnel, popping out of a hole right near Sonic.

"Don't give me that look!" Knuckles shouted when Sonic gave him a cocky smirk. He took the ball from Sonic and swung. The ball rolled towards the hole, but was pushed back at the last second by....a leaf?

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