Guilt Tripping

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"You may be faster on foot, but I invented these things!" Tails laughed as he did a flip on his hover board and passed Sonic.

"Not bad!" Sonic smiled.

Sonic was about to make his own move when you rushed in on a hover board of your own. Leaping from a huge tree branch above where the two were currently racing, you did a 360 spin and landed in front of Sonic. "Sorry boys," you started with a smirk, "but you're going to have to do better than that if want to beat me!"

"Oh yeah? My turn!" Sonic growled lightly. He used an upcoming tree trunk as a ramp and blasted into the air, landing in front of you. He turned around to reveal his cocky smirk. Suddenly, he slammed right into a branch and slammed into two trees that sent him and the board crashing to the ground.

You gasped lightly as you and Tails descended to the ground. "Wow! That was the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Tails smiled.

With a small cough, Sonic rose to his feet. "Really?"

"You look cool even when you're making a complete fool of yourself!"

Sonic looked at you to see what you thought. "Your cockiness is really going to get you into trouble." You teased as you lightly flicked his forehead. "You just have to be a show-off."

"Oh, come on." Sonic smiled. "You know you love me! Cockiness and all!" He poked your cheek as he walked over to a nearby bush to grab his hover board.

"All right, load 'em up!" The three of you heard a nearby voice call out. "Hurry up and nobody gets hurt!" Heading towards the source of the voice, you guys stumbled upon a small village being held hostage, per se, by a group of animals with cloths covering their mouths.

"Whoa! We gotta stop those jerks!" Sonic exclaimed as the three of you ran over. "What's going on here?" He snapped as he approached one of the thieves.

"Oh, these delightful young men were just ransacking our poor village and taking all our possessions." One of the whitish-gray animal hostages said with a smile as he gave a bag of money to one of the bandits.

Another hostage chimes in, "They probably need them more than we do, being bandits living on the land and all."

"Yeah, so back off, blue guy! This is what we do!" One of the bandits snapped.

"Oh yeah, well this is what we do!" Sonic harshly retaliated. He spin dashed into each bandit to stun them while Tails fetched a vine from the trees. Sonic tied the bandits up as Tails began to pull on the vine, bending the small tree backward.

"Ugh! This isn't over!" He snapped, until Tails released the vine and sent them flying. "I spoke too soon!" He cried out as he flew out of sight.

"Thank you, strange travelers!" The whiteish-gray animal from before chimed in as he fixed his weird crown-like hat. "You have saved us Gogobas from the from the scourage of the Weasel Bandits, and scattered our belongings carelessly across the dirt."

"Sorry!" Tails frowned. "I'll pick them up!"

"Oh no, we wouldn't want to trouble you." A female Gogoba smiled sweetly, though almost too sweetly. "I'll do it myself. It probably won't cause my chronic back pain to flare up too much." As she struggled to bend over, a huge cracking sound was to be heard. "Oh!" She winced in pain.

You, Sonic, and Tails all shared an awkward look. "Oh don't worry about her, she'll pass out from the pain soon. In the meantime, the rest of us will throw our valiant heroes a victory feast." The lead Gogoba smiled.

As the Gogobas began to set up a table full of food ranging from all kinds of fruits to meats like roasted chicken, you leaned close to Sonic's ear. "We really need to leave."

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