Circus of Plunders

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"Sonic, my laser-guided Unbolterizer is ready to go! I've got a clean shot at Spider Bot!" Tails spoke into his headset as he flew his plane. The gang was currently fighting some strange robot made by Eggman. It looked like a spider, but at the same time, it seemed more aquatic-like. While they all ran around on the ground in the canyon below, you and Tails stuck to the sky.

"Tails, have you even tested it yet?" Sonic asked through his communicator. "You better not hurt (Y/N)!"

"Don't worry, it'll work!" Tails smiled. He pressed a button on a lever to his right, which fired a bright, yellow beam. However, the beam zipped past the robot and began to bounce all over the canyon. Eventually, it struck one of the robot's tentacle legs, but it smashed into a stack of rocks in the process. "That's not good!" You and Tails cried out in sync as the rocks crumbled and fell.

The two of you watched as Sticks leaped onto an incoming boulder and ran on it while it spun. Then there was Knuckles, who was punching and kicking rocks out of the way until a large boulder managed to roll over him and flatten him into the ground. Tails decided he needed to help, so he flew his plane down toward the robot. Before Tails could press any buttons, the robot whacked the plane with one of its tentacles and it spun out of control. You and Tails screamed as you braced for impact. Luckily, Tails was able to recover and keep the plane in flight, although barely.

Eggman cackled from within the robot. " How the tide has turned. That's a nautical reference, cause it's a squid... I-I mean, octopus! Grrrr! Great! Now you've got me doing it!" It seems nobody really knew what it was....

While Eggman began a stupid speech, Sonic dashed over and opened a back door on the robot. He grabbed a handful of wires and pulled them out, which caused the robot to short-circuit. The robot crashed to the ground and released a huge puddle of thick, black ink. Amy and Sticks flinched in disgust.

Eggman disconnected his Eggmobile from the robot and floated into the air. "Next time, study your cephalopods before we do battle!" And with that, he flew off.

Tails finally landed the plane and the two of you jumped out, although you were still a little dazed. You lightly held your head in attempt to stop everything from spinning as you slightly staggered along the ground. The next thing you knew, you were lifted off the ground. Of course, it was the Blue Blur himself.

"Guys, I don't know what happened!" Tails exclaimed.

"I'll tell you what happened!" Amy snapped. "Your laser almost turned us into robo-fish food!"

"Yeah, and not the delicious flaky kind!" Knuckles added.

"I'm sorry. It malfunctioned!" Tails frowned as both his tails and ears drooped.

"Maybe it didn't malfunction." Sticks said, pointing at the yellow fox. "Maybe this isn't even Tails! What if he's one of those sleeper agents? A mole, pretending to be a fox. A fox mole!" She ran at him and grabbed his face, trying to pull off a mask that was never there to begin with.

"Ow! Quit it!" Tails cried out.

"Knock it off!" You snapped harshly. "Your hurting him!"

"Hey, leave him alone!" Sonic also decided to join in. "He just-"

"No, Sonic." Tails interrupted him. "They're right! Well, except for Sticks and that whole 'fox mole' thing. I put all of you in danger. I need to go." He frowned as he hopped into his plane, taking off.

"Tails, wait!" Sonic called out, reaching out for him. He turned to his communicator as Tails began to disappear. "Tails? You okay, buddy? Tails?"

"You guys are ridiculous!" You snarled, glaring at the group, minus Sonic. "You guys were so mean to him! I'm sorry, but not even friends should be that mean to each other." You glared at Amy specifically now. "And you? You really need to calm yourself. You're so dramatic."

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