Double Doomsday

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11/7/17 & 12/30/17

(A/N: I know I skipped the episode Fortress of Squalitude, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't really figure out what to do since most of the episode was focused on Amy, away from Sonic and the gang. :3 And for future reference, there will also be more episodes I will skip.)


"Sonic." You whined from the couch.

"What now?" He groaned. All day, having been feeling the stimulation of laziness, you had been pestering poor Sonic about many useless tasks. And he was finally getting sick of it.

"I'm hungry!"

"Then get up and make some food!"

"But I don't wanna make anything!"

"Then you obviously aren't that hungry." You could just sense the smirk on Sonic's face. You flipped yourself over on the couch, face stuffed in a pillow, and glared at Sonic from behind the armrest. Indeed, a smirk was placed on his face.

"I want food." You snapped.

"Well, what do you want?"

"Let's go to Meh Burger. I wanna pick up something in the village anyway."

"What happened to being lazy?" Sonic chuckled as he walked over to you and picked you up bridal style.

"I technically still am. I'm not the one running there. I don't have to move a single muscle." You smiled triumphantly.

"Touché." Sonic murmured.

So that's how you ended up at Meh Burger. The line had been fair once you got there, so it didn't take all too long before you neared the cashier. It was peaceful, quiet, and just right temperature-wise, so there also wasn't much for anyone to complain about.

"Man, I am starving!" Sonic exclaimed with a smile. "Next stop, Munchytown! Population, us!"

After the next person walked off after having placed their order, you and Sonic began to step forward. Suddenly, a big blur of red blocked your vision. "Hey, no cutsies!" It yelled. "I was here first!"

"No way, Egghead! We've been waiting!" Sonic retaliated, obviously very mad.

"Um, I believe the barrel-chested gentleman with the luxuriant mustache was first." The cashier, Dave, said in his normal, faint and slightly whiny voice.

"Only because you're obviously a suck-up." You muttered, but it was not to be heard by anyone else.

"What? Are you serious?!" Sonic snapped in response to the turquoise beaver.

You put your hand on Sonic's shoulder, whispering, "Just calm down. We can get him back later." Sonic then visibly relaxed and took a slight step back.

"That's how we do it! Score one for Eggman!" Eggman cheered for himself as he began to dance in triumph. "Just gotta flash the 'stache."

After the obnoxious human finished and moved on, you and Sonic placed your orders before proceeding to sit at a vacant table. And, of course, Eggman received his food first, which stirred up trouble.

"Mmm, now that's good! How's yours over there?" Eggman exclaimed, looking over at Sonic. "Oh, right. Yours isn't ready yet. Should have been faster, Sonic!" Eggman cackled.

Sonic growled in annoyance. "Remember what I said." You reminded Sonic, trying to keep your snarls is disgust and annoyance inward.

"Okay, here we are. Two double Meh Burgers with extra pickles." Dave piped up, slamming the food onto the table.

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