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It was such a nice and peaceful day in the village today! ......If you consider a gigantic, evil, anti-fireman robot running a mock peaceful. If so, then what a lucky day for you! You're just as bad as Eggman.

You were sitting at a table at Meh Burger for six people, but you were the only one there. Five half-eaten burgers rested at five of the chairs. The sixth was in your hands while you ate. You didn't really care for the fast-food served at Meh Burgers. They weren't good, but they weren't bad. Just..... Meh. While you ate, you looked at the five people that were missing from your table.

"Doctor Eggman's evil fireman robot is running loose!" You heard the blue hedgehog, Sonic, yell.

"Why does everyone assume every evil robot is mine?" Eggman asked, who was sitting on a nearby bench whilst reading a magazine of sorts.

"I dunno. Experience?" Sonic snapped, bouncing off Fire Bot after an affectless spin dash.

You nearly choked on your food when you heard Knuckles's stupid pun. "You're 'fired', pal. Ha ha ha! Get it?" Facepalming, you heard the rush of fire, which had burned Knuckles's stick. "Guess not."

"Shouldn't firemen put out fires?" Amy asked, stroking her chin.

"Ah, hello? That's the irony? It's the evil opposite of a fireman." Eggman stated without hesitation. Having already known the answer, Sonic glared at the man. You giggled.
"Ah....I assume." Eggman corrected himself, hiding his embarrassment behind the pages of his magazine.

"Sonic!" Sticks called. "The evil anti-fire bot is putting a baby walrus into a burning house!" Indeed, the robot was carrying a baby walrus up a ladder, leading straight to a blazing house. With a dash quicker than a flash, Sonic rescued the baby and returned him to his mother.

"Sonic, the evil anti-fire bot is putting a kitten in a tree!" Tails yelled immediately after the mother walked off. You gasped, dropping your food in shock. You may dislike humans, but animals were a whole different story! Getting up, you began to run for the tree.

"Go evil fireman!" Eggman cheered, causing everyone, especially you from afar, to glare at him. "Okay, I admit it. It's mine. Evil robots are what I do. Why stop if you're good at it?"

"This had gone on long enough!" Sonic growled. He quickly tied the robot's firehose around its feet, causing it to explode from exceeding amounts of fuel in its flamethrower.

"I, um, left the oven on!" Eggman stuttered as he fled the scene.

"Heh, looks like that robot is 'fired'!" Sonic smirked, cashing everyone to laugh.

"Hey!" Knuckles whined. "Nobody laughed when I said it...."

"Sticks." Sonic said, hearing a small and pitiful meow. "Could you get the kitten out of the tree?"

"Sure thing, Sonic!" She smiled, heading to the tree that you had almost reached. But when she began to violently shake the tree, you quickly gained speed. The kitten's ferocious, violent growls and screeches increased your momentum.

"Sticks." Sonic said, to no response. "Sticks?" She didn't pay attention. "Sticks!" He yelled before gasping as you flew past him, catching the falling kitten in your arms before it hit either the ground or Sonic. With a tumble, you ended up with the kitten held tightly in your arms, engulfed in a hug. You could feel it's small, frail body trembling with fear in your arms. You didn't see Sonic's warm smile as your face was buried in its soft, fluffy fur.

"What?" Sticks asked obliviously.


"Sticks, we want to talk about how you treat animals." Sonic said, sitting down next to you on the couch. You were all currently in Amy's shack, addressing Sticks on 'animal etiquette', I guess you could call it.

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