Chapter 4: Alexandira

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(For any spoilers in the story skip this part!)

Carl Grimes fans! Don't worry he'll come around, you've got to understand why he's so grumpy after all...


"So, we are you from?" Asked Rick politely, as we headed threw the woods in the direction of their home, "Alabama" i replied trailing behind them both, Carl was ploughing ahead making no convocation, it didn't bother me really.

It was silent for a while, until Rick asked the question i knew he was going to at one point, "what happened to your parents?" i looked down, and shrugged, "got separated from them at the beginning of all this" Rick nodded his head listening, "I never got to see if they were okay, i've kinda been surviving since, luck i guess" i chuckled nervously.

Rick ignored that glancing at the trees ahead of him, I decided to ask a question. "How many people you got?" I asked jogging up to his side, "Around twenty, maybe more" i scoffed impressively, these people really had it good.

Carl grabbed his Dad's arm suddenly, "This way" he told him pointing to the right of where we were heading, Rick agreed and turned direction.

We walked for ages, not talking, just awkward silence, coming across no groaners at all which was odd.

I looked at Carl who's head was facing forwards and walking as powerful as he was half an hour ago. "Your letting me stay?" i asked again, probably annoying the hell out of Carl but i didn't care what that downer thought, "If that's what you want" I smiled slightly, looking to the floor.

Hours past of walking, to the point where i thought my legs where going to drop off, but i kept walking, to show i wasn't weak. "How old are you?" Randomly asked Carl, still not looking at me, "fifteen. Sixteen next week" Carl showed no expression towards my answer, i rolled my eyes and let myself drag behind slightly.

I looked around the forest surrounded us, nothing but thick greenness, satisfying. I suddenly saw Rick pick up the pace however Carl just carried on his forward plod, i saw that Rick had spotted something, a groaner, he approached it before taking out his knife and stabbing it quickly in the head, letting it drop to the floor.

He let us catch up before walking next to me, "You said your name was Malia?" rick said in his strong Georgian accent, I nodded.

"Last name?" He asked again, i thought, i never really could remember my last name, Malia was easy to remember because of the nickname my Dad gave me, Mal-Pal, i laughed at the thought of being called that again.

"So...?" Asked Rick again, snapping me back into focus.

"I can't remember..." i began slowly "pretty sure it starts with a D but i'm not actually sure.

"Ah" said Rick expressionless, i kept my eyes ahead for now, not wanting to look at either of them, Rick seemed nice, a good leader to this apparent group, Carl on the other hand, rude and obnoxious, but in a kind of way, caring and smart.

I glanced ahead of us and to my surprise caught a glimpse of a large structure, walls. Walls so high they made me hope this was the community Rick was talking about.

They were made from large scraps of metal towering high above most trees, easily supplying cover from groaners.

"Is this it?" I asked curious but mostly excited, Rick nodded chuckling. "So why where you gone?" As we began to  approach it, "Non of your business" Carl suddenly snapped, i shot him a glance of anger, what is his problem? "Carl" Rick told him quickly a hint of anger in his voice.

Carl rolled his eyes and ploughed ahead leaving me and Rick to talk, "I'm sorry about him" Rick told me, "he hasn't been himself lately" i nodded as if i understood, i didn't. "Ever since..." he began, i leaned it for an answer "ever since his girlfriend Enid died, he's been acting strange, understandable, but, strange"

I looked down, apart of me felt sorry for Carl whereas the other half envied them, how the hell have they had time to worry about girlfriends when i've had to worry about what i'm going to eat tonight?

I sighed, "we were visiting her grave" rick told me, i sudden wave of curiosity came over me, "why so far away?" I asked, Rick tutted, "She asked to be buried there, when she was dying in Carl's arms" I suddenly felt sad, sad for him mainly, but sad for Rick too.

"It was where her parent's died, so, she wanted to be with them" I nodded, "I'm sorry, I Didn't know" i began to say to Rick but slightly louder so Carl could here, "It's okay" Rick told me, we were approaching the front gates now, large giant gates with sliding doors and guards, a young woman and a man, wearing all black, i think he was a priest.

"Rosita" Rick called to the girl, "Gabriel" i glanced up and saw them, the women was very pretty, she wore a tank top and jeans along with high brown combat boots and a army green cap, her below shoulder length hair loose, a scar on her left cheek.

"Who the hell's she?" This Rosita girl called rudely, god i hope not everyone is this grumpy.

"She's one of us now" Rick called back up, i felt happy when he said this, "Her names Malia" i lifted my hand up to say hi as she shot me a quick smile.

The man came down from the guard tower above the gate and began to pull the gates open, Carl, Rick and I entered.

I looked around curiously, rows and rows of perfect dream like white house surrounded us, with around five fully working vehicles parked by the gates, people walked the streets happily doing daily chores such as washing, i looked to my right to see a large farm, much bigger then my old carrot one, a smile unexpectedly came across my face, i felt someones hand touch my shoulder, it was Rick.

"This is your home now Malia" he told me kindly,

"Welcome to Alexandria"



That end line though! Getting you excited? Hopefully, that's what I'm aiming for!

Stay tuned for the next chapter where Malia finds her father... a fellow Alexandiran.

Word Count: 1084
Love Amy x

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