Chapter 5: D...Dad?!

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okay so you'll probably be triggered by this episode because of the plot twist at the end lol, but i've always wanted this character as my Dad so... get over it, lmao.

Happy Reading!

This place is utterly amazing. I thought to myself as i traipsed after Rick whom was giving me a tour, he pointed to several houses of which occupied multiple civilians. That was until a dark-skinned women approached him, a katana strapped to her back, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Who's the newby?" She asked him, before greeting him with a kiss on the cheek, these two where obviously a couple.

"Her name's Malia" Rick told her, looking her in the eye, their chemistry was obvious and beautiful. "I'm showing her round," Rick told her again, before the lady interrupted him, "I'm Michonne" she told me kindly, i smiled as if to say hi. "Where's she staying?" asked Michonne towards Rick now, Rick whispered something in her ear, she looked back at him confidently before nodding.

"Malia you can stay in the spare room in our house," Rick told me, I smiled appreciatively, as he lead me towards one of the most beautiful houses i've ever seen.

We approached the house with ease, as Rick walked up the porch, Michonne and I behind him. I was politely chatting to Michonne, about my past and her's. That was until Rick opened the door inviting me inside.

I stepped in, the air was sweet and homely as if someone was baking, however something led me to believe this was a natural scent. "Head on upstair's and place your belongings in the room opposite the bathroom," Rick told me, "Meet back at the Gates in half an hour" I nodded as him ans Michonne left. Leaving me in this room alone.

I walked around, letting my fingers over each piece of delicate furniture, going from the lounge to the kitchen.


This place feels homely. I told myself approaching the kitchen, i opened the cabinets gingerly to find it stocked with food, impressive. A familiar noise came from upstairs, something unnatural yet soothing.

A Baby Crying.

Instinct and curiosity came over me as i began to walk upstairs, making sure to not disturb the crying infant even more.

"Hello?" i called, the baby's crying grew louder and stronger as i reached the top of the stairs. "Anyone?" I heard a soothing hush in the direction of the crying baby, a person, trying to calm it down.

I walked towards the room and pushed open the door, finding a brightly coloured small room, a baby's crib in the corner, but with no baby.

I looked around the room, and to my surprise saw Carl, standing in the corner furthest away from the door, holding the infant. I stood shocked and confused.

"Can i help you?" asked Carl approaching me, "Because the last time i check this is my house" I backed away cautiously.

"I know-' i began, "But Rick told me It was okay for me to stay here, in the bedroom opposite the bathroom" Carl thought for a moment before relaxing, "Sure, whatever" I rolled my eyes before focusing them on the infant, "who's this?" i asked politely, Carl turned her so that I could see the gorgeous face of a female toddler. "Judith, my baby sister" he told me, in a calm and collective tone.

Unnatural for him i guess.

"She's stunning" i told him, playing with her tiny hand, i thought to myself, she was born during the apocalypse, it was obviously safe here, i needed this. A smile appeared on Carl's face.

My eyes trailed to a clock up on the wall of Judith's bedroom, it's been half an hour.

"Crap" i muttered suddenly, keeping in mind that little ears where listening, "Thanks for introducing me, gotta get to the gates" i smiled before exiting the room quickly. I don't know whether I was imagining it, but i'm sure a small smile coated Carl's face as I left the room.

I left Rick's house and jogged cautiously to the gates, seeing Rick standing there with a women, a older women with short grey hair, but a kind face.

"Malia, this is Carol" he told me, i looked at Carol and shook her hand, "She'll help you get into the swing of things around here, you'll need to pull your part" I nodded, I understood.

"Rick!" I heard a man's voice call from behind the gates as he pulled it open and entered, "Some walkers gunna get the west gate down, need ya help" i starred at the man in fascination, he seemed familiar.

The man came to the side of Rick not noticing me, Rick gestured towards me. "Daryl this is Malia" he said, i was looking at the man worriedly now, i knew him. He was looking back at me a look of confusion and amazement. He suddenly spoke, "Malia?" he stuttered, his voice breaking.

A wave of emotions poured over me suddenly, how the hell could i of forgotten that face?

That caring, loving, face whom cared for me since day one.

I managed to squeeze out a word.




well then i guess you know who Malia's father is now, Daddy Dixon.
I've been wanting to spoil that forever, Malia Dixon. Sound's lit, in my opinion.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, where Carl apologises for being a dick, lol. And The Dixon's become closer, after six years...

Word Count: 925

Love Amy x

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