Chapter 24: King Ezekiel

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I hope y'all had a good easter and ate like 3 tons of chocolate

Happy Reading!

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We had been driving for a while, Rick, Michonne, Carl, Morgan, Rosita, Tara, Dad & I. Michonne and Rick in the front, everyone else in the back area.

The awkward silence was killing me.

It was weird to think it was birthday, today I was 16. But nobody knew and I liked it that way, even Dad had forgotten, but I honestly didn't care.

I lent my back against the wall and looked at the truck ceiling, I'd never been to another community before that was friendly, maybe I'd meet friends? I'd love to have a frien-


It was like all of the blood had rushed to my feet, leaving my head feelings dozy and weightless... I'd forgotten about him, left him at the pantry.

I think I started breathing heavy because Tara placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Mal? You okay?" She asked, her eyes worried.

I looked at her and them back at the floor quickly.

Do I tell her? About the loving friend I'd left back at the cruel place? the Sanctuary. Even after I promised to let him he could leave with me...

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered.

"I'm fine, just scared to meet these people..."

Tara nodded slowly.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Rick's good with new people, He'll get King Ezekiel on our side" Tara reassured me.

I smiled slightly, my mind still on Jace.

I felt so bad, what could he be thinking right now? about how I betrayed him!

I let out a deep sigh, realizing what's done is done now... I can't go back there now. Not even for him.

The car carried on driving at a fast pace, I glanced over at Carl who was looking at the floor.

I'm not sure what's happened with us recently but he's been avoiding me since I first arrived back, I decided to leave it.

I was about to drift asleep when the truck came to a gradual stop, followed by Michonne opening the back door of the truck.

I was the last to step out, I guess it was just nerves really.

Once I'd finally got out, I glanced around, tall large walls, even bigger then Alexandria's stood over, I followed everyone to the front of the truck were Rosita was leaning against the bonnet along with Tara, Carl with his arms folded next to my Dad, Morgan and Rick, all looking up at someone.

"State your name and business with the kingdom" a man called down from the top of the large gate.

"I'm Rick Grimes," Began Rick,

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