Chapter 20: Mysterious Figure

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Sorry it's been so long.. It just takes me awhile to write...
Also sorry to say but the cover and chapter name is mainly associated with the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter...


So a few nights ago we lost Sasha Williams on AMC'S The Walking Dead, she was one of my favourites and it was so tough seeing her go, I am aware that Sasha is in my story however I have no intention for killing her off... unlike AMC.

Can't believe we've got to wait till october for season 8...


Also, this ones a long one so enjoy!

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When Jace had told me that he was planning to come back to Alexandira when Rick came for us, I felt happy.

I wanted people like Jace to be free from this place, free of Negan and be able to live a life again.

Dad and I were sat on the couch of our room, barely talking, almost starring of into space, It had been around 4 days? Maybe 3.. Time's going so slowly... Sometimes I even wonder if Rick's coming at all.

I let out a large, frustrated sigh and Dad turned to me.

"Keep it going Kiddo," he told me, "We'll be out of here soon."

I looked down and shrugged tired of him saying that, It frustrated me that he thought we where escaping, that he had all his faith in Rick to release us. I hated not believing it, But I was loosing faith.

I thought of Maggie and the baby, I wondered if she'd of had the small baby by now, If the baby was okay, If she was.

I thought about Rick, how he was coping, if he was even planning right this second to get us out, and I thought of Judith, Carl's baby sister, Rick's daughter.

I thought about Sasha, Rosita & Michonne, such strong ladies. I wish one day I would grow up to be like them, even If i had a chance.

I thought about Morgan & Father Gabriel, I hadn't really had a chance to talk to them yet, they seemed nice, and Morgan could do some wicked things with his ninja-stick.

I thought about Aaron, the kind Alexandiran who lives a few houses down from me.

I thought about Carol, god she was amazing, like the grandma I've always wanted, I thought about her age... maybe 50? She didn't look it though, strong as hell. Smart as the devil and twice as pretty.

I thought about Tara, the funny, caring young lady who always had a smile on her face, even when you least expect her too.

I thought about Eugene, and the day when The water fell on me, making me smile slightly.

Then I thought about Carl but then stopped, I was tired of missing him.

Then I thought about Paul, Jesus, the kind, loveable, and hella good-looking man who saved me some days back, I wondered if he was still in Alexandria. I hoped so.

I sighed.

I missed everyone so much.

I glanced over at Dad who was playing with his thumbs, looking down and starring of into nowhere, I tried to catch his attention but he barely moved.

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