Chapter 30: 13 days.

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Lmao, new upload what a shock.

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It's been 13 days since the attack on Alexandria, Since Jesus's death.

I don't really talk to anyone anymore; Not even Dad... Or Carl for that matter.

Maggie's due tomorrow, but she seems perfectly fine; but everyone's on their toes.

We're still in the caravan. We haven't heard any signs of Tara, Father Gabriel, Eugene, Rosita, Aaron, Morgan, or even King Ezekiel are okay or not.

Dad and Rick are out looking for food, Michonne, Maggie and Sasha are all trying to make a fire; While Carol feeds Judith in the caravan.

I'm up a tree.

It's peaceful, Quiet. I think about Jesus a lot. Jesus and Negan mainly, and Dwight. I think he's on our side.

Sometimes I even think about Jace.

But mainly Jesus.

I sighed and shifted my position in the tree so I'm facing away from all the others down below.

"Malia?" Maggie called, "Don't you wanna come on down?"

I shook my head.

"You haven't come down in three hours..." said Michonne, approaching the tree.

"I'm fine." I told them firmly.

They left me alone after that, the night was drawing close; Dad and Rick has returned with a few rabbits and the smell was tempting but I didn't move.

"Come and get it..." Said Sasha, I could tell she was aiming it at me.

I was starving in fact but something made me not want to eat... I'm not sure why. I sigh and take my knife from the pocket and begin scraping it against the tree making wood shavings letting them fall onto the ground below.

Now I know what you've all been thinking, Malia fell in love with Jesus. No, It wasn't like that, he was like my big brother, another father and a friend all in one, maybe at the start his attractiveness made me catch butterflies but it was never anything more.

I heard a chuckle from everyone down below by the fire as they ate, It made me angry. How could they be happy? I pulled a face of disgust as I looked towards them, catching the eye contact of Carl.

I immediately looked away.

But Dad came over, not getting the hint that I wanted to be alone.

"Mal, come on your all skin and bone, you need to eat-"

I've never been anorexic of anything, but he was right, I'd lost a lot of weight since Alexandria. I reluctantly took his offer, and jumped down from the branch, making my way over to the fire and taking a seat in between Sasha and Carol.

Nobody really looks at me, I'm okay with that.

"Tomorrows going to mainly be travelling, we need to find somewhere in which we can settle, especially now Maggie's due tomorrow..." began Rick.

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