its not funny / lauren got obsessed with newsies

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im breaking the forth wall with this one ;)

jared says fuckyou: look at me

milk stealer: why would i do that willingly

jared says fuckyou: im the king of new york

feminist: we're not even in new york?

jared says fuckyou: all you ever do is doubt me, im gonna aggressively tap dance right out of this friendship

milk stealer: the actor who plays me loves to tap dance, it's his favorite kind

feminist: connor are you high?

goddess of jeans: he's definitely high

milk stealer: fuck you

goddess of jeans: fuck you

the tree expert™: huh déjà vu

jared says fuckyou: #justicefortommy

goddess of jeans: who the fuck is tommy

the tree expert™: your family swears to much

goddess of jeans: we just want to rebel within the tight constraints of our rich suburban family life

jared says fuckyou: there are literally no restraints, connors high in the sky, right connor ?

milk stealer: lettuce seize the gay

goddess of jeans: he's probably not even high he just is like this

evan hansen changed the group chat name: the murphy family needs therapy

milk stealer: truth

goddess of jeans: rude

jared kleinman added cynthia murphy and larry murphy

dad: who is a phone

cythinaaaah: what

jared says fuckyou: HELLO MURPHYS

dad: jared I don't like your username

jared love you: apologizes

goddess of jeans: JARED WHAT THE frick

milk stealer: therapy

cynthiaaah: what is this im not leaving until i get answered

feminist: hi mr and mrs murphy

dad: hello evan

goddess of jeans: dad that's not evan

dad: but it says feminist?

goddess of jeans: jared, i hate you

cynthiaaah: zoe that wasn't nice

larry murphy has left the chat

cynthia murphy has left the chat

the tree expert™: what ???¿??

goddess of jeans: i took their phones, jared i hate you so fucking much right now

milk stealer: therapy

jared says fuck you: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

dear evan hansen: the group chatWhere stories live. Discover now