Allie Needs Her

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Alex's POV

I fell asleep last night with a smile on my face, and woke up with the same expression. I was supposed to share this room with Tobin, but she got a text from Allie saying she needed her. Allie seemed kind of off tonight, I hope she is okay.

Hey guys have you seen Tobin, I ask coming into the kitchen. Kelley looks at me with sad eyes, um her and Allie left early this morning. Yeah Tobin texted me and told me to tell us she will be back later, hope said coming into the kitchen. Oh um.. okay I answered, I am pretty bummed, I guess she wanted to spend time with her best friend.

Hey listen I know you are pretty bummed, but Allie really needs her right now, Lauren said putting a hand on my shoulder. Is she okay, my frown just turning into a concern look. Um yeah she is okay, but .... look don't tell the guys because she isn't ready to talk to everyone or see anyone except Tobin. She got a call from her aunt saying her parents um... their dead, they were killed in a car accident.

I was shocked, I covered my mouth and felt sadness over power me. I won't say anything, thank you for telling me. She looked at me with a warm smile like Tobin does and nods her head.


It's 6 now and no one has heard from Tobin or Allie. I know it's wrong, but I was really worried I wouldn't get to go out with Tobin.
I am sitting on the beach with Lauren watching the sunset, when I hear the voice I love to hear. Moments later I see the resource of the sound, it's Tobin and Allie. Allie is walking and Tobin is carrying their shoes. I see Allie lightly smile, then she stops and sits in the sad and just watches Tobin. I see Tobin's smile turn to a frown, then she grabs Allie hands and pulls her to her feet. Tobin raps Allie in her embrace, a little spike of jealously hits me. Tobin then pulls back and picks Allie up bridal style and goes towards the water. Allie start to freak out and fight Tobin playfully, but Tobin is stronger and carries her all the way to knee length water. She the drops Allie in the water, Allie surfaces quickly laughing but with a pissed off look.
HEATH YOU ARE SO DEAD!! Allie yelled coming fast towards Tobin. Tobin tried to hurry out of the water but she tripped and fell in, I even laughed at Tobin's clumsiness. Allie ran out of the water Tobin on her heels and when Tobin got to her she rapped her strong arms around Allie and spun her around.
I see that Lauren has gone back to the room, so I start to get up and go back.

When I get back to the room I just decide to go to bed, I am kind of upset I didn't get to spend any time with Tobin, but I know Allie needs her.

I am just about to fall asleep when I here the door open. Hey Lex is it okay if I share the room with you still? Of course it is Toby, come on. Look Alex I am really really sorry about today, it's just...
I cut her off, I know Tobin, Lauren told me, and it is okay. Thank you for understanding she said, so... looks like tomorrow it is just me and you if you are okay with that? Yes I'd like that s lot Tobs, I respond with a huge grin. She smiled and pulled the covers over us, my body gravitated to her. I turned on my slide to face her, she was just staring at me. What, I ask. You... you are beautiful she says pulling her hand to push the stray hair out of my face. I feel electricity shoot through my body at her delicate touch. Goodnight Alex she says kissing me on the forehead and turning on her back.

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