My Desire

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<**Back At UNC**>

Tobin's POV

I am in the locker room getting ready for soccer practice that isn't for another hour. Alex, Allie, and I all made it. Our first game isn't for two weeks, and our team already looks really good. Right now I am alone in the locker room, I am in nothing but gym shorts and a sports bra when I feel someone's arms rap around me from behind. I knew it was Alex, but I didn't react even though I wanted to so bad. She started drawing shapes with her fingers on my toned stomach. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I felt her soft lips placing soft, slow, lingering kisses on my shoulder and the back of my neck. Hey um.... Lex .... can you um.... not do that? Pl...ease. She then turned me around her self and pushed me a little hard against the locker. Why Toby, can I not be affectionate towards my hot girlfriend? I then realized that she is teasing me and decided to have some fun. Oh no of course not babe, you totally can, just make sure
.... (I quickly switched our positions so I was the one pushing her up against the locker and leaned in so my lips were right at her ear)... you don't start something you can't finish. I said the last part kissing her earlobe.

I moved away quickly leaving her there to the bathroom. When I came out I didn't hear her anymore so I walked into the locker room and then I force shoved me to the door as it closed. I let out a grunt as I hit the door, and looked at Alex seeing a smirk on her face. Alex I don't think you want to see what I will..... I didn't get to finish because she smashed her lips with mine. She glided her tongue along my bottom lip and I rejected her entrance knowing I wouldn't be able to handle myself if I did. I pulled away and she went to my neck. (I don't know why she is being so affectionate. Don't get me wrong I like it and all but something is off.) Hey um Lex you... oh God Lex... I moaned and felt her smirk on my skin. Hey babe.... um .... I was about to ask why she was being so affectionate when I felt warm wet tears soaking my shirt then I realized she is crying. I pull away as soon as I know, and pick her face up. She turns away from me to walk away, but I grab her arm and pull her back to me. Lex what's the matter, I ask concerned? She just pulls away and turns in the other direction of me. I have no affect on you, Christen is right, I can't make you feel like she did. She now had tears running down her cheeks. I spoke right away, I was shocked. Alex when did you talk to her and oh yeah she made me feel real good when I saw her with another. Alex that isn't the point though, I don't her, I like you. I wish you could read my thoughts sometimes even if they are 50% very dirty, but I have to basically scold myself in my head to keep from going straight to pleasing my desire of you. Believe me, every time I see you lately all I want to do is undress you myself Alex, but I don't just want you once. I... I want you forever. As I am saying all this I don't even realize I am crying. Please don't think like that Lex, like you don't have an effect on me. Every little thing you do it seems to effect me. I.. I ... you know what fuck it, Alex Morgan I am in love with you, and when I have sex with you I want it to leave you thinking we found our paradise with each other. I don't want to just have sex, I want when I do "do you" I won't have to tell you I love you because you'll know.

Alex's POV

I wasn't mad at Tobin, I just sometimes feel like she doesn't feel as attracted to me as I am her. She makes me so frustrated sometimes and leaves me flustered not even knowing it. I keep getting messages from Christen saying things like ,she knows I haven't had sex with Tobin, Tobin will only crumble under her touch and Tobin will start to go through withdrawals and come back to her. I have been doing everything I know to do, even basically strip once in front of her. I am so scared I am going to lose her, I thought she wanted me. Those where my thoughts I have been having till now, and now I feel so bad for thinking those things were true.

Alex.... she started but I cut her off. Tobin I am so sorry, please don't think all I want you for is sex, that is not it I swear. I am crying now and choking on my words so I just pull my phone, here Tobs please just read the messages from her. I hand her the phone, tears still streaming down my face. She takes it and reads the messages I didn't respond to, and then looks up at me almost apologetically. She put the phone down, she then put  here hands on the sides of my face wiping the tears away. She finally after what felt like forever, Alex Patricia Morgan I love you. Tobin I love you too. She finally leaned in and connected her lips with mine, there was so much passion felt in the kiss. She this time ran her tongue across my bottom lip. I didn't hesitate I granted it and she sent a chill down my spine when she gentle roamed my mouth, I moaned into her mouth. Air became a problem so we pulled away. When I opened my eyes to meet her's I saw something I haven't yet seen and that was pure desire and lust. She leaned in again and planted a soft&sweet kiss on my cheek.

<**after practice**>

Hey Lex I got to run and pick up a few things before coming home, Tobin said walking out of the locker room. Okay babe I'll go get some dinner started, what would you like to have? She smirked and walked over to me, she pulled me in and kissed me. It was to quick for my liking so I glared at her, (you) she said. She leaned in again and kissed me rather quickly again. I'll see you when I get home, she said with a final smirk then leaving.

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