If I Die

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Tobin's POV
I can't explain the feeling I am feeling right now. I have never loved anyone the way I love her. The way last night she asked me to not let go of her made my heart feel 3 times its size. This morning I woke up first and made her coffee and got things ready for the day. We are meeting Ashlyn, Allie, Hope, Kelley, Lauren, and Allie all at a lake about an hour away from our house. We are going to stay the weekend and rent a house boat to stay in. I am in our room now packing mine and Alex's bag. 'Babe it's to early.. come back to bed.' I hear Alex's raspy voice that I love. She is rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 'I can't, we leave in thirty minutes' I say laughing a little. 'Where are we going' she asked and I got up to sit on the edge of the bed beside her. 'We are meeting the guys at the lake to stay for the weekend.' I said and she smiled a perfect smile. She sat up and ran to go get ready. She was half way to the bathroom when she turned around quickly and ran back to me. 'I almost forgot something' she said standing in front of me. 'What did you-' I was cut off by her kissing me. She kissed me hard and with so much passion. I was glad I was sitting because I may have fallen due to being weakened at the knees. She pushed me back so I was laying on the bed and climbed up on top of me. The kiss was getting pretty heated and I was ready to take her here and now. I was very pissed when she pulled away and got up. 'That's fucked up' I said and she smiled. 'Happy Birthday baby.' She said before running into the bathroom. That just reminded me that my birthday is today. How I forgot that... I don't know.

We just arrived at the lake house and Alex sang the whole way which was adorable by the way. She took my snap back and has been wearing it the whole way also and I love it.

'Harry!!!' I hear Allie's voice yell. 'Hey Al. Hey guys' I say to everyone as we walk inside. 'We are going on the boat to swim and go to the a swimming hole, you guys should come.' Hope says with her arm around her girlfriend Kelley. I look to Alex and she nods saying okay. Kelley then pulls Alex with Allie to a room and they get ready. I head out to the boat with Hope, Lauren, Ash, and Allie. We all together get the boat ready and I was taking my shirt off and when I hear Hope dog whistle. 'Damn' she says and I look to what she is talking about and see Alex and Kelley walking towards us. I didn't realize I was checking Alex out till she laughed. 'Tobin when your done eye fucking your girl get over here and help me get this cooler.' Ashlyn said while laughing. I quickly blushed and got up to help her.

We have been riding on the boat for a while now and we have stopped at a swimming hole. 'Lets play truth or dare' Hope said looking around at all of us. We all said alright and gathered around the boat sides. 'If you don't do the dare or answer the truth then you have to take a shot.' Kelley added and we all agreed. 'Okay I'll start' Ashlyn said. 'Um.... Kelley Truth or Dare' she asked and everyone turned to Kelley. 'Truth' she responded and everyone booed. 'Okay.. is it true... that Hope was your first time?' She asked Kelley and Kelley instantly blushed but said yes and kiss Hope's cheek making Hope blush. 'Okay... um.... Alex truth or dare?' She asked Alex. 'Truth' she quickly said. 'Is it true that you never had sex with Ryder, because you kept moaning Tobin's name?' She asked and everyone gasped, but Alex seemed flustered. 'I meant Dare' she said scratching the back of her neck. 'Okay I dare you to answer that question' Kelley pressured. I could see the discomfort Alex was in and so I put my arm around her waist. 'Yes it's true.' she said and a bunch of people awed and whistled. 'Hope truth or dare?' Alex asked. 'Dare' Hope said feeling confident. 'I dare you to go the rest of the night with out kissing or having any PDA of any sorts with Kelley.' Alex said and Kelley glared at her. Hopes eyes got big 'I don't know if I can do that so I'll take the shot' Hope said before taking one of the already made red solo cups off the center table. After she took it she turned to me. 'Tobin... truth or dare?' I knew if I did dare it'd be something horrible so I did truth. 'Tobin is it true that you wrote letters to Alex and never sent them when you guys were broke up.' she asked me and my heart stopped. I looked at everyone then glanced at Alex who was watching me intensely. 'Can I change to dare?' I asked nervously. 'Yeah I dare you to jump off the boat.' She said and I hesitated. 'No, it's dark and it will be freezing.'Alex said before I could answer. 'Say the truth, take the shot, or jump Heath... your choice.' I thought about it for a second before getting up from my seat beside Alex. 'Toby please don't-' Alex started but I cut her off. 'Lex I'll be fine.' I pecked her lips before jumping into the water. I went deeper then I thought, but I felt a stinging come to my stomach and right thigh. I tried to swim up quick, but my shorts were caught on something. 'Oh shit I am stuck' I thought, I tried to make enough movement, so maybe they would hear but it was impossible. God, please don't let me die. I want to marry Alex. There is so much I haven't told her, I didn't tell her how much I love her. Damnit why didn't I ask her to marry me already. God, if this is my day to die, please let her know I love her. Let her live the happy life she deserves. I love you Alex Morgan.

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