Never Again

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Tobin's POV
Maybe I am dumb to do it. To chase after her. I don't know what it is making me do it, but I guess I don't care. I told and explained everything to my family and Allie, they all said they understood why I needed to go back. Allie asked me what my plan was and honestly I have no idea. There is something inside me saying I need to go to her. So now here I am getting off a plane, going to a girl that doesn't even want me. Leaving my family on the holidays behind, all for a girl. Not just any girl, the love of my life.

Alex's POV
It's been a little over a week since Tobin left. After Serv left I locked our dorm from the inside. I've been lost in my own thoughts, and have not moved from the spot he left me last. I know my body is covered in bruises that he left. I was about to drift off asleep again when I hear a slight push on the door. I realize someone is trying to get in and with out a second thought I yell out. "Serv please, please leave me alone." I begged.
"Alex it's me Tobin, open the door" I hear her call out. I don't even think twice before scrambling up to my feet and unlocking the door. She opened the door and shut it behind her. She just looked at me. I forgot I had nothing on but my lace undergarments. "What did he do to you?" She choked out. "I wanted to tell you Tobin, I did. You have to believe me. I didn't cheat on you. He raped me and told me your life depended on it. After you left last week, he came back. H-He keeps coming back" I start to cry. She doesn't say anything she just picks me up bridal style and brings me into her room. Once we get in there she places me on my back. "You're safe now Alex, I won't let him hurt you again" she said before leaving the room.

I woke up and checked my phone on the side table. I have slept two days. Holy cow, how did I possibly sleep that long. I got up and made my way to the tv room to see Tobin sitting on the couch watching tv. With out thinking twice I began to ramble. "Why did you come back? I mean I am glad you did, but I just... I just don't get why. You should be at home with your family Tobin." I keep going knowing I have tears streaming down my face, but I don't care. "I am so so sorry I hurt you Tobin, you have to know I didn't do it free willingly." She stands and starts to walk towards me. "Tobin I don't deserve you to even be in my presence anymore. Thank you for taking care of me these last few days. I can never repay you for it and I can never forgive myself for letting you leave thinking I loved anyone else." I knew she was in front of me, but I can't bring myself to look at her. Then my heart stopped when I felt her pull me into the warm embrace I have missed so much. "Tobin I-" I started but she didn't let me finish. "Shh don't say anything right now please" she said to me just above a whisper.

After a few minutes she pulled away and with out looking at me she began to speak. "I came back, because I am madly in love with you Alex Morgan. I wish I would have opened the door, and I wish I would have taken you with me. I am so sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain. None of this would have happened if-" I cut her off. "No, no Tobin it still would have happened." I said to her. "None of that matters now. All that matters is I am here now, and I am not leaving you again.... ever...." I looked up to see she had tears running down her cheeks. I with out thinking pulled my hand up to her cheek and whipped the tears away. "You are everything to me Tobin, you are more then enough" I say referring to what she said before she left. She didn't respond, she just went into her room and shut the door, leaving me alone in the tv room.

Tobin's POV
I had to walk away. I wanted so badly to hold her longer, but I knew that I needed to control myself as much as possible. I need to give her time, and I myself need time. Seeing her in pain is like stabbing myself in the eyes. I don't know what is in store for us in the future, but I do know that I am not going to leave her side again. Never again.

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