She will be loved

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Alex's POV

Tobin and I are now on our honeymoon in Costa Rica. Tobin's dad is paying for almost everything so you know it is all so high standard things. I am not complaining at all, but I as long as I have Tobin with me that's what matters. I am now getting out of the shower and looking back on the past five days here.

'Tobin...' I squeal while bursting into fits of laughter. 'Tobin... stop' I said still laughing. She was slashing me with the water coming down from the water fall above us. She just smiled at me and laughed. 'It is beautiful, right?' I asked while rapping her arms around me from behind. I shivered a little when she kissed my cheek before responding. 'Yeah it sure is, but I've seen better.' She said swaying us back and forth a little. I turned around in her arms, putting my hands on her shoulders and narrowing my eyes at her. 'Oh yeah? Like what? What is more breathtaking than this?' I asked her while smiling. She leaned in and pecked my lips before speaking. 'My wife, she is the most breathtaking view I have ever seen. The only way someone can compare to her or even come close and that someone will call her mommy.' She said while slightly rubbing my back. I smiled at her and pecked her lips. 'So you do want kids?' I asked while drawing shapes on her stomach. 'I want to expand our family eventually, but I am not going to rush you into anything. We have our whole lives ahead of us, but yes I do. You are so good with kids, and I know for 100% you'll be the perfect mother. Do you want kids?' She asked lastly. I smiled and nodded. ' yes....' I kissed her. 'I love you' I kissed her again. She smiled a megawatt smile and I laughed. 'I love you too' she said and then she pulling back and took her shirt off. My mouth dropped open and I giggled. 'What are you doing?' I asked while she let her hair down from her ponytail. 'I think Ima go for a swim. You want to join?' She asked while taking her shorts off revealing her bikini. 'I didn't bring a suit' I said frowning. She walked over to me and brought her lips to my ear. 'You can go in nothing.' She whispered while kissing my ear. 'Can you help me?' I asked and she didn't have to be told twice. She slowly pulled my shirt over my head and glided her hands up my sides. She rapped her arm around me pulling me close and undoing my bra in the back. She watched it fall, with a look that gave me chills. 'n-never gets old.' She said before kissing me and kissing my neck agonizingly slow and making her way to behind me. She kissed on my neck, causing moans to slip, and then started unbuttoning my shorts in the front. She slid them down while kissing my shoulders and back. 'I love when you undress me' I said and was supposed to be a thought not something I spoke. 'I love being the only one who gets the pleasure of doing so.' I didn't respond but just smiled slightly. I turning around after stepping out of my shorts and while she was down there I pulled the string of her top letting it fall to the ground. I smiled a devilish smile when she came up with questioning eyes. I had to peel my eyes off her upper half to speak. 'If I am going nude, so are you.' I said before looking at her to take her bottoms off. She did as I motioned but took her time and never left eye contact with me. I pulled her up by the sides of her face and kissed her deeply. She pulled away unfazed and before I know it I am being carried over her shoulder and smacking her butt. 'Tobin put me down... don't you dare. Do not-' next thing I am under water. I come up and she comes up soon after and started laughing. 'You think it's funny' I asked her while splashing her in the face. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. 'It was very funny' she said and I just rolled my eyes.
End of flashback~

I have been laying in our bed since Tobin got up early to pack and shower. I don't think she knows I am awake yet but I don't want to get up because I don't want to leave yet. I am laying on my stomach so I can't see but I feel the bed moving. I soon feel my loose hair being moved to the side. I felt her placing light kiss on the back of my shoulders. It felt amazing and I could stay like this forever. I planned on staying like this for a little while longer but I couldn't hold back my moan when her raspy voice whispered in my ear 'are you still tired from last night' she asked then while gently biting my ear. I groaned in response and she laughed. 'Come on baby, get up, we have a plane to catch.' She said still kissing my back. 'No, you can't make me' I growled and immediately regretted it and felt a little scared. 'Oh princess, you don't want me to make you.' She said while pulling the cover off me. I was in a red, see through gown. She moved my hair to the side before whispering in my ear again. 'I need to show you something.' She said before getting up. I got up and found her in a chair in the corner of the room, guitar in hand with a letter in the other. 'I um... this was the letter I wrote the day in the bathroom when I said I didn't love you anymore. It says how I really felt. I to this day regret telling you that lie. I told myself the day I met you that you would be love, if not by someone else, always by me. The thing is .... I drove for miles and miles, and still wounded up at your door. I will spend everyday, never missing a beat, pro-founding my love for you Alex. You will be loved.' She said and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. She handed me the letter before playing.

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