I thought I Lost You

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Warning ⚠️

Alex's POV
I am at the dorm making dinner and waiting on Tobin to get back. She said she had a few things she needed to get, she has been gone a long time though.

I am about to set the table when I get a text from Tobin saying come to the roof, I have a surprise. I smile the biggest smile and run to the stairs. I get to the top and I don't see Tobin. L-ex I hear a whisper and turn to see Tobin and see that her nose is bleeding. Baby your nose is bleeding I say putting my had on her cheek. She pushes my hand away and I see a tear roll down her cheek. She puts her finger up to her lips and shushes me. Alex you need to get out of here, take my phone and go to Allies room, and show her this message. I just look at her confused, but you said you had a surprise for me. Alex baby I need you to trust me and go straight to Allie's room, do not go to ours. Alex I love you, I love you so much. She was looking at me with pleading eyes, but I just wanted to know what was going on. Tobin what the hell is going on? Alex could you please just...... she stopped in her sentence and watched behind me. I turned around to find Servando and two other guys. Tobin pulled me behind her, and I gripped onto her with everything I had. Alex run, go where I told you, I won't let them hurt you. Please just what ever you do don't stop running and don't come back. I love you, she finished and kissed me once, not even long enough for me to register what happened. She turned back around to face them, and I hesitated to run, I didn't want her to get hurt over me. Tobin I.... I started but she cut me off. Alex the hell out of here!!. I turned and ran with tears rolling down my face. I was about to open the doors to the steps when a man grabbed me, I tried to fight him off but it did nothing. He carried me back over to where I was before running.,I saw Tobin fighting Servando and the other guy. She was going strong till she saw me, then she stopped.

Tobin's POV
I was getting Alex some flowers and chocolates from the local store, when I got to the dorm complex I was hit in the head and blacked out. When I woke up I was tired to a chair and blood running from my nose. Servando and two other men standing in front of me. They wanted Alex, and they were going to make me watch.

I was fighting them off when I saw he had her, omg no. Please don't, let her go please, I begged them. I don't care what you do to me just let her go, I am now crying and Alex is also. I get another blow to the stomach from Servando, I groan out and go into a coughing fit and cough out blood. Stop Serv leave her be please, Serv I'll do anything just stop hurting her, Alex said through tears. He had a hold of my face about to get another hit in, he dropped my head and ordered his men to hold me back again. I struggled for a minute then got a blow to my stomach that shut me up. Servando had a hold of her arm, and my blood was boiling. (If you fight me sweetie, I won't hesitate on killing your girl over there. Servando pointed at me.) Don't you fucking touch her I spat. I felt confident till he smirked and handed one of the men holding me a gun, and he held it to my temple. (Ahh not so confident now are we Heath?) Serv please just let her go, she doesn't deserve this. I was using her to get to you, I want you to have me Serv just let her go please. Alex was begging him to let me go, but I wouldn't let him take her. Alex no, I cried. (I want her to watch, with that he grabbed her and kissed her hard.) I felt sick to my stomach.

Alex's POV

I didn't react when I felt his cold and rough lips on me. (Don't make me a killer Alex) I knew he wanted me to react. I have to save Tobin, so I did, I kissed him. He trailed down to my neck and I could see the love of my life watching with watering eyes. I saw another tear fall, I felt him pull back to my to my ear. (Come with me and no more harm will come to her). My heart dropped, but for her sake I had to go with him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me as long as I did what he said. I nodded my head, with that he grabbed my hand and brought me down the stairs. I heard a gunshot, I freaked out think it hit Tobin and ripped away from his grip and ran back up the steps.

Tobin's POV

As soon as they turned the corner to go down the steps, I got the knife out of my pocket and stabbed the man holding the gun. He screamed in pain and I broke free, the gun went off, but I didn't feel contact. It went off again and I turned to see Christen laying on the ground blood coming from her stomach. Oh god no... no no no... I yell out running back to her. The men went to run but the police caught them about to go down the stairs. I heard Alex's voice, Tobin? Tobin, baby are you okay. Are you hurt? She asked but I couldn't look at her, I was choking on my tears. Chris... Chris stay with me I yell at Christen. The paramedics come and order me away. I needed to get to Alex was my next thought. I got up and turned to see her tear stained face watching me. I limped over to her and we embraced each other. I never want to let go of her, and I never want her to let go of me. Come on we are going to the hospital she says to me grabbing my hand. I don't want to go to the hospital, can Doctor Morgan take care of me? She stopped and finally smiled, she took a few steps to me. She leaned in and kissed me slowly, and I could have crumbled just like that.

We made it back to our dorm and she told me to go sit on the bathroom counter and wait for her. I obeyed her orders and went to wait on her. She came in moments later with some medical stuff and got to work on my face first. I loved watching her work, how her nose scrunched up when she was concentrating was the cutest thing. Okay shirt off now she said to me in a demanding way. Gosh that was hot , I did it and my eyes looked up to see she had tears lining her eyes. I picked her head up to look at me. Alex I am okay, I told her in all honesty. Tobin they were going to kill you, I would never have been in your arms again. I thought I lost you Toby. She was crying now and I just wanted to hold her again so I pulled her in by her shoulders. She pulled away and started working on my stomach and sides. When she was finished up she wedged herself between my legs. I looked at her, and dirty thoughts flooded my mind. I shook my head vigorously and laughed under my breath. What is it, what is so funny, she asked smiling at me. Oh.. um.. I just.. never mind I say laughing. Tell me Tobin she said in a pouty voice. I leaned in and connected our lips, God I wanted this so bad. I instantly placed my hands on her hips pulling her hips to me. She glided her tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I gladly excepted. She entered with confidence I wasn't expecting, a moan escaped my mouth. She put her hand on my cheek forgetting about the bruise on my jawline and I grunted at the pain. She pulled back and I let a groan out at the loss of contact. Baby I am sorry I forgot you are hurting. I think we should get you to bed, she added. I think she saw the frustration in my expression because she giggled a little. Okay that's fine, but next time you let anyone put their lips on you other then me, and I don't care if it would save my life. If I ever find out or see.... she cut me off. You'll what, she asked with a smirk. I pulled her forcefully back to me and whispered in her ear. I will have you make sure the whole dorm complex knows my name, and you will be begging for more. Her mouth dropped open and I just hopped off the counter, grunting through the pain and going into her(our room).

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