Death of me

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Tobin's POV
I woke up to a sleeping Alex beside me and her arms tightly rapped around my torso. I got up, being cautious not to wake her up. I slide on a muscle shirt and make my way to the door, but before I can reach it I hear Alex. "Why must you get up so early? It makes the bed cold." She asks and I see the cutest groggy puppy look ever. I can't help but smile at that cute face. "I am just going to get us some coffee, I'll come right back." I said back to her. "You have ten minutes to be back in bed cuddling with me before I come drag you back." She said trying not to smile. "Yes ma'am." I said laughing exiting the room. I get down stairs to find my dad and brother at the table. "Morning Tobs." My dad said once he saw me. "How'd sleeping beauty sleep?" My brother asked and I didn't think any thing about it when I responded. "I slept great actually" I said looking at him. "I am not talking about you dumb ass I am talking about Alex. I said beauty not beast." He said cracking up at his comment. "Hahaha very funny. She seemed to sleep good also, and by the way... eyes off... my girl" I said the last part hitting him in the back of the head before heading back up stairs with two coffees.

When I got to the room Alex was back to sleep. I chuckled a little that she fell back asleep that quick. I set her coffee on the table beside her side of the bed and crawled under the covers on my side. A few minutes went by till Alex rolled over tangling her legs with mine and rapping her arms around my bicep. I was just sipping on my coffee when I feel one of her hands wonder to my stomach. I didn't pay any attention till I felt her start to trace my abs. I didn't think she was asleep till I shifted my body a little and she squeezed her eyes shut tighter and lightly gripped my shirt. Her hand started to rub up and down a little, and that caused my shirt to rise up a little. Her hand somehow got under my shirt and now she is lightly scratching my abs. I think she is asleep. I hope she is because I feel a moan building inside me and I honestly don't know how long I can hold it in. Maybe I should get up, that will wake her up. Awe, but it feels so good. "Hey Alex can you not do that. I don't think it's a good idea." I blurted out. Stupid why'd you say that? You were loving her hand there. "Hm? Doing what?" She mumbled. "Y-you were rubbing my abs in your sleep." I said and mentally slapping myself for saying it and making her stop. "Oh sorry" she said and quickly pulled her hand away. She soon got out of bed and looked at me. "What are our plans for today?" She simply asked. "Well I was thinking I would take you shopping at the local mall." When I said that her eyes went wide and the biggest smile came upon her face. "You hate shopping Tobin." She said still not losing the smile. I got up and started to get a change of clothes. "True I do hate shopping for myself, but when it's you that's a different story." I said tapping my finger on her nose before going into the bathroom to change.

We have been shopping all day pretty much and I have not loved the shopping part, but I have enjoyed buying Alex things she likes here and there and seeing her so happy. If you saw us today you probably wouldn't even think we were a couple, because no physical contact has taken place. I am fine with looking like best friends every now and then because that's a good thing. However what I don't like is every male that walks by checking Alex out. Like this guy is looking at her up and down her as she is eating the ice cream I bought her. I think Alex noticed my tensed jaw and she followed my glare to the guy. He smiled and winked at her when she did. "That son of a bitch" I think but accidentally say out loud. Alex turns back to me and laughs. "What's so funny? I'd should go kick his ass for-" she cut me off. "Is he still watching me?" she asked biting her lip. Why is she asking? Why does she care? Is she going to flirt with him? "Yeah the man is basically eye fucking you as we speak." I spit a little harsher then I meant to. Alex then throws her ice cream cone down on the napkin making me look at her shocked. Before I know it she has reached over the small table grabbing the neck of my shirt and crashes her lips to mine. I am caught so off guard I almost fall over, making me grip the table with both hands to prevent it. I hear someone yell get a room and Alex pulls back instantly biting her lip and smiling. "Damn I have wanted to do that all day." She says winking at me. I am still frozen in place, because the sensation of her lips are still lingering on mine. "Lets go home and watch a movie or something." She says grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the food court and back towards the exit.

Alex's POV
If looks could kill, I would have murdered more girls then I can count. Why, because they all look at Tobin like they could eat her. I thought we were going home, but instead she pulled into her dads country club. "I figured maybe we can find something fun to do here." She said parking the jeep. Again I was ready to open my door till someone else beat me to it. I thanked the guy and met Tobin's hand to walk in one of the other large cabins. "So what is there to do here?" I asked her once we got inside. "Well in this building there is a private indoor pool, arcade, and bowling. Oh and bingo later this afternoon for older people." She said laughing. "Wow, I wish I would have brought my swim suit." I said then she takes off her Nike duffle bag, opens it, and pulls out my blue bikini. "Oh my gosh yes. Let's go"I say pulling on her arm. She leads us into this room with a huge Olympic size pool. I don't even take a second thought I just go straight to find the changing room on my own. When I come back Tobin is sitting in a chair with her feet propped up on her phone. I make my way over to her and pull her phone out of her hand. "Hey come on I was -" she began but stopped mid sentence and look me up and down. "Hey my eyes are up here missy." I say snapping my finger and giggling. "Oh um sorry" she says blushing. "Why are you still in your clothes." I ask giving her a confused look. "I was just going to watch you for a while." She says grabbing her phone. "Oh no you don't. You are going to get your ass in the pool before I push you in." I say stepping closer to her. "She gives me a devilish grin before she grabs my legs and pulls me on her shoulder picking me up. "Toby no put me down." She got closer. "Tobin I swear don't you do it. Another step closer. "Tobin Heath I will-" before I can finish I am thrown into the water. I surface to the top and see her dying of laughter. "Awe baby don't look so butt hurt" she said still laughing but trying to give a fake pouty face in the process. I didn't answer I just started to swim, hoping my silence would persuade her to get in.

I swim for a few minutes till I look and I don't see Tobin sitting at the chair anymore. I just assume she went to the bathroom so I continue to swim. I have my arms over the side after just coming up for air when I feel someone's presence behind me. Knowing it's Tobin I smile. "Nice of you to join me" I say turning around and putting my arms around her neck. "Well I couldn't let you swim in this big pool alone and have all the fun" she said smirking at me before swimming off. I swam after her and when I got to her she turned around and just looked at me. "What" I asked her while grinning. "How did I ever get so lucky?" I couldn't help, but look at her just hoping she can read all my feelings for her through my eyes. "If only you knew just how much I-" she began, but I couldn't let her finish. "Kiss me Tobin" I said with out even thinking twice. She brought her face slowly to mine and gently pressed her lips to mine. It was over before I could even respond or move an inch. To say I was shocked was an understatement. "Why have you been like this? Like this morning you didn't want me touching you. Or in the mall, we literally didn't even look like a couple. Why won't you touch me?" I said just at a whisper. She didn't answer she just bit her lip and looked everywhere but at me. I was a little hurt by her actions. I stepped closer to her and found her hand under the water and put it around and on the small of my bare back. While I did that rapped my arms around her neck and was about to bring my lips to her's again till she turned her face to the side and making me kiss her cheek. I was completely confused now. "Tobin I don't know what the problem is, but I need you to tell me so I can fix it." I said completely detaching all the contact between us. "There isn't one, I am just preventing one" she said still not looking at me. I finally brought myself to speak again after short silence. "I see, um... okay" I said swimming to get out of the pool. I couldn't bring myself to speak anymore aside from asking to go a head and drive back to her house.

Tobin's POV
I wish I could tell her what I feel, but honestly I don't know how I feel. All I know is I am madly in love with her and I am so afraid of hurting her. The disappointment in her eyes when I said that was about enough to make me want to beat myself to death. When we got to the house no one was there. Waited a little while before going upstairs, till I heard the water in the shower turn on. It was only about 7:30 when the water shut off and soon after Alex emerged from the bathroom in these short ass pajama shorts and a basically see through, loose, silk tank top. She came over to the bed with out speaking and laid down on her stomach looking away from me. Damn Alex Morgan, you are the death of me. I laid there a while just lost in thought, but when I thought she was asleep I cut the light off. I pulled the covers up, tucking her in. I leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on her temple before sliding under the covers. "You don't even have a clue to how badly I truly want you. I love you Superstar" I whispered as I was falling asleep. Little did I know the whole time she was awake and observing everything I did and said.

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