Heading to the Hunter Exam (rewritten)

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Hihi! This is my very very VERY first time writing a character x reader fanfiction so I hope you guys enjoy it and please leave me some comments so I can improve better :D

The plot of Hunter x Hunter is still the same just perhaps MOST of the dialouges are different. And yup like I said, Hunter x Hunter doesn't belong to me I do not have the right to own the amazing anime, the amazing characters and you of course. But please enjoy


At a port where there are many sailors running around busying themselves with their duties for the participants that are boarding a ship to the hunter exams. Within this crowd, a young lady with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) was wearing a white cloak with gold patterns at the edge of her hood and the end of the cloak. This young lady is (y/n), she is from a clan known as (l/n) and are well known for their eyes that turns into ice-blue and their (h/c) hair shines when they fight, gets emotional and a secret power that lies in their hair. They are a clan that works well with beasts, tamed or untamed, they are respected by all beasts especially wolves.

(y/n) got onto the ship that will be taking the participants for the hunter exam. She glanced around and saw many kinds of people, weak or strong she doesn't know and won't judge.

(y/n) POV

The breeze of the wind was comforting as I leaned on the railings as the ship sailed. Soon we were told to go to the resting area for there would be a huge storm coming, I did as told and head there. Once I got there I saw many other participants but there were some that caught my eyes. I saw a man with black spiked hair, with glasses and has a briefcase next to him, just by the appearance he looks like a pervert. Then I saw a kid around 12 years old with greenish black hair with a fishing rod on his back helping the ones that are feeling seasick. Then I focused my eyes on a guy that is lying on the hammock, my eyes went wide at the sight and I feel my heart suddenly stopped beating for a minute. Right in front of me is a guy with blonde hair wearing the traditional Kurta clan outfit. At that exact moment, I feel like running up to him to hug him, kiss him and to never let go of him ever again. But... is he really Kurapika?

"Hey there!" A voice called out to me and brought me back to reality, I turned around and saw it was the greenish black haired boy that called out to me.

"Hi" I replied

"The name's Gon" he smiled and held out his hand. I smiled at him and said "(y/n)" softly as possible but loud enough for him to hear. Gon and I started to talk a bit to get to know one another and soon we became friends and assists the ones that are still feeling seasick until we were called to see the captain.

"You four were good at handling the storm" the captain began as he looked at me, Gon, the pervert and blondie (since I'm not sure that he is Kurapika just yet)

"Now then, tell me your name and the reason you want to be a hunter" The captain continued. I stayed silent debating whether I should do it or not but my thought was interrupted when Gon replied.

"I'm Gon and I want to be a hunter to find my dad and find out the reason why he desires to be a hunter!"

I smiled and looked at the captain and said "The name's (y/n), I want to be a hunter to hunt down the murders of my family and friends" I clenched my fists as the memories of my friends and family screaming in agony came flashing into my mind.

"HEY HEY!" The pervert called out to me and Gon and we turned our attention to him.

"Are you two serious!? You shouldn't just say your name and reason" It's not like the pervert doesn't have a point it's just that... I have faith in what Gon is doing.

"I agree, it is an invasion of privacy," Blondie said as he sided with the pervert.

The captain looked at them and nodded, "Very well" I looked at the captain to see what he will do, it's possible that he will let them slide since they do have a good reason in not telling who they are.

"Oi! Tell the hunter association that there are two more dropouts here!" The captain called out to one of his sailors. This caught all of us surprised and the captain explained who he was.

Blondie sighed and said "I'm Kurapika from the Kurta clan. I want to be a hunter to kill the Phantom Troupe that killed my clan and my fiancee's. My clan for our scarlet eyes, her clan... for... for... for the magic that lies in their... hair" Kurapika replied but trialled off at the end as he grips his shirt and his bangs covering his eyes. Tears started to sting my eyes, since I now know that this is definitely the Kurapika that left all those years ago, my fiancé.

"I'm Leorio, and I want to be a hunter because of money" the pervert explained himself and soon laugh out of happiness as he imagines all the wealth that he can get. Then Kurapika said "Money can't buy class" after Leorio has stated what money can get for him. There was a tense silence in the captain's dock and Leorio straightened himself and said "Come out Kurapika, I'm going to end the Kurta blood once and for all!" I was shocked at what he said and I can feel my blood boil at what he just said. Kurapika demanded Leorio to take back what he said but Leorio ignored him and the two of them walked onto the deck.

"No! Wait!" I called out after them and took a step forward when Gon told me to leave them be.


Normal POV

The storm was getting uglier and uglier, so you and Gon was on the deck assisting the crews to fight off the storm while Kurapika and Leorio are fighting. At some point, the ship rocked hard causing on of the crew member to lose his balance and fall off. You noticed this and you were thankful that your reflexes is very quick, as you reached out and grabbed hold of his wrist, but due to the heavy rain your hold on him slipped and he went started to fall further.

"No... KURAPIKA! LEORIO! CATCH HIM!" You shouted at the two men. The two stopped their battle when they heard you called out and noticed the man is falling, the both of them went to catch the man but they didn't catch him in time. You dropped the rope and ran towards them, then a shadow dashed passed you causing you to slow down. You noticed it was Gon who jumped out of the ship and grabbed hold of the crew member, Kurapika and Leorio regain their senses and quickly grabbed hold of Gon by his feet, you too regained your senses and went to grab hold of Kurapika's and Leorio's arms and the three of you pulled Gon and the crew member back onto the ship.

When the storm disappeared, Leorio and Kurapika started to lecture Gon for his recklessness. Gon smiled and said "But the three of you saved me" Leorio and Kurapika stopped and then looked at one another and then at you and smiled. "I guess we did" you said and a warm laugh was shared between the four of you.

The crew member that fell off the ship ran towards you all and thanked all of you and Leorio got a bit carried away and told him to be careful next time. The crew member nodded and ran back to work.

Kurapika and Leorio apologized to one another and you and Gon smiled at the sight. The captain then walked approached you and said "I'll take you all to the closest exam site" You all smiled and thanked him and continued your way to the next exam site.

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