Phase 2 (Part 2) (rewritten)

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Normal POV

When everyone has reached to the next destination, Menchi started to explain the process of the retake of the second phase. As she was explaining you heard a flapping sound of a bird that is flying somewhere near the cliff that you are all standing on. As Menchi continued to explain you walked towards the edge of the cliff which caught everyone's attention and the next second surprised everyone even Menchi who tried to stop you. Everyone ran to the edge of the cliff to watch what was going to happen next.

When you jumped off the cliff, Kurapika, Gon, Leorio and Killua were surprised and got worried about you. Menchi was about to chase after you but was stopped by the head of the examination.

"Just watch Menchi, that girl has great potential within her" the head of the examination said and Menchi did as told and she stood at the side and watched.

Your POV

As I was falling down the cliff, I grabbed hold of the long thick web that is down there and waited for a few more minutes. I then heard a sound of wings flapping and felt the wind behind me was moving. I smiled when I felt the wind was blowing harder and let go of the string and snatched an egg out of its net and landed perfectly on the bird.

I soothe the bird by petting it's neck and spoke to it. "I'm sorry for scaring you, but I need your assistance. Could you please take me back to where everyone else are?"

The bird just ruffled and I giggled and the bird flew down to the cliff where everyone are, watching with their mouths wide open. The bird landed successfully and I hopped off of it. It stretched it wings ready to take off but I stopped it, "Wait!"

It looked at me and I continued, "Here take this, as a token of thanks for bringing me here and sorry for scaring you" as I raised the egg. The bird screeched and flew off.

"Heh! It won't take it from you, meaning that it will kill you" The fat man that argued with the examiners mocked at me. I turned my body to face him and gave him a closed eye smile, "If it wanted to kill me, it had the chance when I was riding on it" I said to him.

He scoffed at me and said "Then I bet that it just wants to kill you right in front of us"

I opened my eyes and my smile never wavered nor did I drop my smile. I stretched out my right arm to the side with my hand holding the egg, the man looked confused and opened my mouth to say "You're right, the bird could be doing that too, however..." it was silent and a huge gust of wind came from behind me and I finished my sentence when I felt the presence of the bird towering behind me, making my cloak dance in the wind created by the bird's wing. "It will not hurt me for I did not hurt it either" I said with your eyes looking at him and the bird took the egg from me in one swoop and flew away with the egg in between its claws.

Normal POV

Everyone was amazed at the scene and they all stayed silent, the man made a 'tch' sound and walked away. You sighed in relief when the man have finally left you alone. Menchi was surprised at your action but soon stepped out of it and continued the examination.

"You're not telling us to jump onto a bird like that crazy woman did, are you?" a participant asked

"No of course not, just watch" Menchi said and did a demonstration of what they are supposed to be doing. The next second Menchi came back onto the cliff thanks to the wind pressure was giving her. Then all of the sudden many participants jumped off the cliff when Menchi has not finished telling her explanation.

Your POV

With nothing to do now, I let out a yawn and stretched, and then sat down leaning against a boulder. I slowly closed my eyes deciding to take a nap since this will take a while until they return, and drifted off to sleep.

"(y/n)! (y/n)!" a 5 years old Kurapika called out to a 5 years old me, who was playing in the forest with wolf cubs.

"Yes, Kura?" I asked. Kurapika blushed a bit and let out a relief sigh.

"Geez... you suddenly disappeared! You made us all worried! What would I do if I lost you!? You're my fiancé and I have the res-"

"Kura... Enough... Don't say we're fiancés because of this arrange marriage" I said sadly.

"It doesn't have to be an arrange marriage (y/n)" Kurapika said

"THEN!?" I asked angrily

Kurapika walked towards me and placed his hand on my cheek and said "It could be a marriage through love, and that's because I love you (y/n)"

I then felt someone shaking me softly asking me to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw Kurapika with a smile.

"You guys returned?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

"Yeah... and here I'm not hungry" Kurapika replied and gave me his boiled egg that he got and smiled. I smiled back at him and took his egg and broke it in half.

"Don't lie Kurapika, I know you are" I said to him, Kurapika blushed and smiled and took half of the egg that he originally gave me and made himself comfortable next to me and took a bite which I too took a bite as well.


Sorry that I haven't been updating quite awhile, I was busy sorry. But here I have updated! I'll try my best to update it as much as I can!! Please leave a comment of what you think :D

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